Shubh Nakshatra 2025
An Overview on Nakshatras
The astrological Nakshatra systems or plans are numerous. While the other employs the 28 Nakshatra system, the first one uses the 27 Nakshatra system. Understanding the broad picture is necessary before diving further.
The length of a lunar cycle is approximately 27 days + 7 hours. Constellation 27 can be rounded off from the bottom part to the top section of Constellation 28. Dividing the twelve zodiac signs into 27 pieces and halving the 360-degree measurement of the sky yields 13 degrees and 20 minutes for each Nakshatra.
Every zodiac has 2.25 Nakshatras. This corresponds to a quarter of the subsequent third Nakshatra and two Nakshatras. A single Nakshatra has four Padas, since each zodiac contains nine. Natives’ planetary motivation in nakshatras is largely determined by nakshatra lords, commonly referred to as deities. To a certain degree, they change the planetary influences.
Ashwini Nakshatra 2025
Bharani Nakshatra 2025
Krittika Nakshatra 2025
Rohini Nakshatra 2025
Mrigashirsha Nakshatra 2025
Ardra Nakshatra 2025
Punarvasu Nakshatra 2025
Pushya Nakshatra 2025
Ashlesha Nakshatra 2025
Magha Nakshatra 2025
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra 2025
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 2025
Hasta Nakshatra 2025
Chitra Nakshatra 2025
Swati Nakshatra 2025
Vishakha Nakshatra 2025
Anuradha Nakshatra 2025
Jyeshta Nakshatra 2025
Moola Nakshatra 2025
Purva Ashadha Nakshatra 2025
Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra 2025
Shravana Nakshatra 2025
Dhanistha Nakshatra 2025
Shatabhisha Nakshatra 2025
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2025
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2025
Revathi Nakshatra 2025
Abhijit Nakshatra 2025
Ashwini Nakshatra 2025
Ashwini Nakshatra comes first in the list of constellations. Its symbol is horse-headed twins with golden armour. The horse is a symbol of courage, strength, power and dignity. They will be capable of leadership as well as being sharp, original-thinking and imaginative. People with this Nakshatra also give priority to improving themselves. Let us look at the characteristics of people with Ashwini Nakshatra.
Ashwini Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
Men born under this constellation are attractive. Their physical appearance is also attractive. They will also be grateful for the good works of others and will give them their full support. However, female people with Ashwini Nakshatra attract the attention of others with their sweet and attractive speech. A lot of patience is also seen in them.
List of all auspicious Ashwini Nakshatra 2025…………
Bharani Nakshatra 2025
Bharani Nakshatra comes second in Vedic astrology. It is located between 13′ and 40′. It comes under Aries zodiac sign. Lord Yama is the important lord of Bharani Nakshatra. The unique quality of Lord Yama is his ability to understand both good and bad actions of people and then provide justice. If they see any negative karma, then the person has to suffer its consequences in life.
Bharani Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
It is not necessary that a person with Bharani Nakshatra be liked by everyone, but such a person is honest. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone. He will be worried about the wrong behavior of others, but will not express his anger. Women of this nakshatra are pure hearted. They respect their elders especially their parents.
List of all auspicious Bharani Nakshatra 2025…………
Krittika Nakshatra 2025
In Vedic astrology, Krittika is related to Taurus and Aries. Being of the Agni Nakshatra, it represents strength and vitality. Its ruling deity is Agni and ruling planet is Surya. Krittika means a sharp object. As per the name it can be both constructive and destructive. The personality of people born under this constellation is fierce and aggressive.
Krittika Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the people
People with Krittika Nakshatra have better talent power. However, they may lack patience and may show impatience in achieving their goals. Another important thing is that these people cannot stay at any one job for long. Therefore the tasks keep changing. However, women of this constellation are emotionally complex and sensitive. Despite this, they work more intelligently than men.
List of all auspicious Krittika Nakshatra 2025…………
Rohini Nakshatra 2025
Prajapati Brahma is in charge of Rohini Nakshatra, and this Nakshatra is highly influenced by the Moon. Generally, people born in Rohini Nakshatra are full of warmth and strength. If you are curious to know about the predictions of Rohini Nakshatra 2025 in terms of finance, romance, professional, health and other aspects, let us first discuss the key characteristics of Rohini Nakshatra.
Rohini Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
Men of Rohini Nakshatra are often angry and stubborn in nature, hence they are advised to control their anger. They often prioritize their own desires and feelings and can be selfish towards others. At the same time, women of this nakshatra wear attractive clothes and maintain courtesy towards others. However, they may find it difficult to achieve mental peace.
List of all auspicious Rohini Nakshatra 2025…………
Mrigashirsha Nakshatra 2025
According to Vedic astrology, Mrigashirsha Nakshatra is a small group of stars located in a special constellation also known as the Lunar Mansion. This constellation gets proper mention in historical research. The ruling planet of Mrigashirsha is Mars, and this nakshatra symbolizes courage, perseverance and strength. Mrigashirsha people are courageous and are highly sensitive and alert to their surroundings. Som, the moon god of this constellation, is a symbol of immortality.
Mrigashirsha Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
The main characteristic of people born in Mrigashirsha Nakshatra is the feeling of doubt towards everything. They expect respect from their colleagues and are respectful towards others themselves. Women of this nakshatra are often active in social work and can be hard-working, clever and even a little egoistic.
List of all auspicious Mrigashirsha Nakshatra 2025……
Ardra Nakshatra 2025
Ardra Nakshatra comes in Gemini from 6:40 to 20 degrees. It is symbolized by a teardrop, which represents moisture or wetness. People born in this constellation are of sensitive and gentle nature, who are ready to make big sacrifices for their loved ones. However, they need to pay attention to their health, as the risk of falling ill is high. However, due to their positive nature, they may see improvement in their health.
Ardra Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
If we talk about men of Ardra Nakshatra, they are intelligent and knowledgeable. Their memory power is also sharp. They perform their tasks with compassion and tolerance and have the ability to handle things patiently in difficult situations. At the same time, women of this constellation remain calm and generous towards others even during challenges. However, they may be a little careless when it comes to spending money.
List of all Auspicious Ardra Nakshatra 2025……….
Punarvasu Nakshatra 2025
Do you fall under Punarvasu Nakshatra and want to know about various aspects of your life like relationships, career, finance and health in 2025. Here you can get every information. Punarvasu Nakshatra is an important star cluster located in the constellations Gemini and Cancer, where Lord Rama is believed to have been born. This constellation extends from 20 degrees Gemini to 3 degrees Cancer.
Punarvasu Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
People born under Punarvasu Nakshatra are simple, have faith in God and are religious in nature. Although, at a young age, these personalities are nice and friendly, but as the age increases, they may become a little irritable and arrogant. It is difficult to understand the depth of their mind, because these people are never satisfied and always crave for something new. On the other hand, women of this constellation are generally of calm nature, but when they get angry, they are unable to control their anger. They may sometimes have differences with their family, especially their in-laws, but if they get respect and support, they move towards improving relationships.
List of all auspicious Punarvasu Nakshatra 2025……
Pushya Nakshatra 2025
The eighth constellation of the zodiac is known as Pushya, which symbolizes “nourishment” in Sanskrit. This constellation is considered a symbol of power, protection and care. The udder of the cow is considered its symbol, which is an indicator of nutrition and prosperity. People coming under Pushya Nakshatra are kind, helpful and caring towards others by nature. This constellation is influenced by Jupiter and Saturn, which are considered symbols of expansion and karma respectively.
Pushya Nakshatra 2025: Qualities of the natives
Men born in Pushya Nakshatra often fail to take decisions at the right time, due to which they are not able to take full advantage of their potential. Arrogance can also be seen in them. Women of Pushya Nakshatra are often in search of mental peace. Although they are attractive and calm in nature, they are not able to show the expected respect towards elders. Its effect is also seen on relationships.
List of all auspicious Pushya Nakshatra 2025……
Ashlesha Nakshatra 2025
People of Ashlesha Nakshatra are quite strong mentally and physically due to the influence of Mercury and Cancer. These people are highly intelligent and thoughtful. These people carefully assess the possible consequences of any action before doing it. Their performance academically is also commendable, which increases their chances of achieving the desired success in life.
Ashlesha Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
People of Ashlesha Nakshatra are non-conformists by nature. They do not like to follow rules and conventions, whether at home or at work, and often challenge the rules. On the strength of their creativity, they have the ability to take decisions that deviate from normal thinking to achieve their goals. Due to the influence of Mercury, the language and communication skills of the person are very effective, which proves helpful in influencing others. However, sometimes a person may face digestive problems, but these can be controlled with a nutritious diet and lifestyle changes. There may also be authoritarian tendencies in your personality. The things that attract you can sometimes become addictive to you. Only by maintaining balance in all things can you move forward in a healthy and positive direction in your life.
List of all auspicious Ashlesha Nakshatra 2025………
Magha Nakshatra 2025
Magha means great or royal, and is a symbol of power, prestige, and elevated social status. The people of this constellation are naturally full of leadership abilities and have the ability to achieve high positions. These people get financial prosperity and social respect. They believe in their traditional values and their lives are influenced by the blessings of ancestors and not by gods. According to Vedic astrology, the lord of Magha Nakshatra is the planet Ketu and it represents the star named Regulus. This constellation comes under Virgo and Leo zodiac signs.
List of all Auspicious Magha Nakshatra 2025………
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra 2025
Purva Phalguni and Uttara Phalguni are considered twin constellations, ruled by two Adityas named Aryama and Bhaga. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is a symbol of prosperity, satisfaction, and fortune. People born under this Nakshatra enjoy success, love, and happy moments. This constellation is considered most auspicious for creativity and progress. Here we will discuss the relationships, career, finance and health of people associated with this Nakshatra.
List of all auspicious Purva Phalguni Nakshatra 2025………….
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 2025
According to Vedic astrology, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is ruled by the planet Sun. This constellation is depicted as the back legs of a bed, symbolizing comfort and a prosperous life. The deity associated with this constellation is considered Bhag. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is associated with the feminine gender. Now we will discuss in detail the aspects of career, business, finance and relationships for the people of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in 2025.
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
Male people born in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra are generally considered contented. They are hardworking and lucky. They achieve excellence in their field of work. They maintain discipline in their personal and professional life. At the same time, women born in this constellation are cheerful and simple in nature. They are friendly and have room for everyone in their heart. They even forgive those who misbehave with them.
List of all auspicious Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 2025……
Hasta Nakshatra 2025
The lord of Hasta Nakshatra is Moon, which associates it with emotional and mental peace. This constellation is located in Virgo and its characteristics are associated with pure thoughts, self-control, good deeds, and polite words. The people of this constellation are very hardworking and resourceful, who are ready to face any challenge.
Hasta Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
Men born under Hasta Nakshatra are calm and gentle by nature. Their smile and easy-going personality attract people, making them quite popular socially. Their position in the society is strong. Women born in this Nakshatra are usually of calm and reserved nature. However, according to the situation, they can also be outspoken. Sometimes she is unable to consider the consequences of her words, which may lead to conflict.
List of all auspicious Hasta Nakshatra 2025…..
Chitra Nakshatra 2025
People born under Chitra Nakshatra remain constantly active. They do not lag behind in their future plans and continuously work on their plans and strive towards achieving them at all costs. They are always working towards maintaining and improving a good relationship. The ruling planet of Chitra Nakshatra is Mars, whose effect is visible on the natives.
Chitra Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
Men born in Chitra Nakshatra are quite intelligent and take advantage of every opportunity to live a happy and fulfilled life. Men of this Nakshatra are of calm nature and generally like to remain calm. This does not mean that they should give up the opportunity that comes their way. They also know very well how to seize the opportunity.
List of all auspicious Chitra Nakshatra 2025…………
Swati Nakshatra 2025
People with Swati Nakshatra are exceptionally talented and very bright. His ability to express his thoughts clearly is the strongest aspect of his personality. The thoughts of such people are unmatched. One who interacts with him cannot remain influenced by him. Similarly, people born in Swati Nakshatra have unique purity and chastity. They are like the charming sight that comes with the first raindrops after a scorching day.
Swati Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
Men born in Swati Nakshatra are usually of calm and independent nature. They do not like to betray anyone and they themselves do not betray anyone. They are very hardworking and remain engaged in their work with full devotion. They like to stay away from criticism. Whereas, if we talk about women of Swati Nakshatra, they are highly respected and kind in the society. They are religious in nature and do not hesitate in following their beliefs. Women of Swati Nakshatra are considered to be one of the most honest people. They have a big heart, and they make many friends in their life. Due to their simple and sensitive nature, they are the center of attraction for others.
List of all auspicious Swati Nakshatra 2025…………
Vishakha Nakshatra 2025
The 16th planet in the Nakshatra chart is Vishakha Nakshatra. The ruling planet of this constellation is Jupiter. It is located between 20°00′ Libra and 03°20′ Scorpio. Its other name is the star of purpose. This constellation is also called “thorny” or “two-pronged”, symbolizing the tendency to transcend duality. The main deity of this nakshatra is Indragni, the god of fire.
List of all Auspicious Visakha Nakshatra 2025…………
Anuradha Nakshatra 2025
The people of Anuradha Nakshatra are blessed with harmony, balance and respect due to the unique blessings of the cosmic elements. This constellation comes under the Scorpio zodiac sign, on which the influence of Saturn is seen. The ruling deity of Anuradha Nakshatra is Mitra. The key characteristic of this nakshatra is its energy, which has the ability to generate various forms of communication.
Characteristics of people of Anuradha Nakshatra
Some special qualities are seen in women and men of Anuradha Nakshatra. A man born in this constellation has an attractive personality. There is sparkle in their eyes. At this time, your patience may be tested and you may have to face some problems in this situation. However, you will be able to handle any challenging situation in an organized manner. At the same time, if we talk about women born in this constellation, they appear innocent. She has a pure heart and prefers a simple life rather than fashion. Their simplicity and naturalness make them special among others. Thus, the people of Anuradha Nakshatra are known for their unique characteristics, which provide them a special place in the society.
List of all Auspicious Anuradha Nakshatra 2025…………
Jyeshta Nakshatra 2025
Talking about the general characteristics of Jyestha Nakshatra, people born in this Nakshatra are thoughtful, conservative and humanitarian. Indra is the ruling deity of Jyestha Nakshatra, and people with this Nakshatra are seen to have good material wealth, achievements and grandeur.
Jyestha Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the people
Men born in this constellation are very calm and have pure thoughts. They talk clearly. They do not like to keep things secret at all. People with Jyestha Nakshatra attract others with their positive qualities. On the contrary, women of this constellation are highly romantic, jealous and sensitive. They are incredibly perceptive, intelligent, and intuitive. However, she wants to know what other people think about her. They keep everything in their office or home organized.
List of all auspicious Jyestha Nakshatra 2025…………
Moola Nakshatra 2025
According to Vedic astrology, Mool Nakshatra is a major and influential constellation of all the constellations. It is also known in the West as the “Mansion of the Moon”. This constellation symbolizes the end of life and the beginning of a new cycle, and is considered the fundamental source of all things. Moola Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of Natives Men born in Mool Nakshatra are generally very friendly and social. They desire to live in harmony and are highly committed to their values. They have a naturally strong personality, which is capable of facing any challenge. These people are devout towards God and maintain positivity in life.
List of all auspicious Moola Nakshatras 2025…………
Purva Ashadha Nakshatra 2025
People born in Purvashada Nakshatra, the 20th star of the constellation group, are very courageous. It comes under the constellation Sagittarius and its ruling planet is Venus. People born in this constellation get full support from the ruling planet Venus. Due to the influence of Venus, luck favors the person. At the same time he experiences love and all the good things and positivity of life. Such people are social and a lot of self-confidence is also seen in them. The special thing is that they perform their tasks in a better way and move forward in a planned manner. Better leadership abilities are also seen in them.
List of all auspicious Purvashada Nakshatra 2025…………
Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra 2025
This year, people of Uttarashadha Nakshatra may go through some new changes. You will not only prove to be a good friend, but will also be responsible and supportive of your family. When you try to solve your family issues by understanding them deeply, your efforts will be appreciated. As a result, the environment of your home will become positive and your prestige in the family will increase further.
Uttarashadha Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
There may be some significant changes in your relationships and marital relations. You may need to spend more time with your spouse and connect with them on a deeper level. Helping with household chores and making an effort to listen and understand your partner will bring sweetness to your relationship. If there have been any differences in the past, this effort will be helpful in resolving them. Apart from this, other family members will also indirectly benefit from this step of yours, which will increase family harmony. Talking about marital life, this year you may need to spend some quality time with your partner. You may need to spend some more time getting involved in household activities and listening and understanding your partner. Practically speaking, giving more time to your spouse and spending some quality time together will definitely resolve the differences in your relationship.
List of all auspicious Uttarashadha Nakshatra 2025…………
Shravana Nakshatra 2025
Shravan Nakshatra is known by many names, prominent among which are Shravan, Shravan and Thiruvonam. This Nakshatra is the 22nd among the 28 Nakshatras and is associated with Lord Vishnu. It belongs to the constellation Capricorn and consists of three stars, which together form a special shape called the “eagle’s head”. The symbolic image of Shravan Nakshatra is “Ear”, which symbolizes the power of hearing and gaining knowledge. The literal meaning of the word “Shravan” is also “to hear”. Shravan Nakshatra is considered a symbol of awareness and education. This Nakshatra has a significant impact on various aspects of life, especially in terms of career, finance, relationships and health. Let us understand the impact of Shravan Nakshatra in these areas in more detail.
List of all auspicious Shravan Nakshatra 2025…………
Dhanistha Nakshatra 2025
People falling under Dhanishtha Nakshatra are known to have a unique, calm mindset and exceptional adaptability. Their personality is impeccable, and they have a natural gift for music and artistry. Under the influence of Mars they are full of energy and efficient in all creative endeavours. People with Dhanishtha Nakshatra are natural leaders. The ruling deity of this nakshatra is Vasu, who bestows stability and prosperity.
Dhanishtha Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the people
People coming under Dhanishtha Nakshatra are extremely professional in their respective fields. They are highly intelligent and conscious of their words and actions. Due to this tendency, they do not cause trouble to others. They are religious in their behavior also. Women of Dhanishtha Nakshatra are highly motivated and their financial management is unmatched, which makes them successful in all areas of their life.
List of all auspicious Dhanishtha Nakshatra 2025……
Shatabhisha Nakshatra 2025
Lord of the Rings is the ruling deity of Shatabhisha Nakshatra. For this Nakshatra, the power of Saturn and the power of Lord Varuna are for both material and spiritual well-being. Shatabhisha Nakshatra is strongly influenced by Rahu, Moon Node. Cover star is another name of this constellation. Apart from healing, it also has occult and spiritual properties.
List of all auspicious Shatabhisha Nakshatra 2025
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2025
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra occurs simultaneously in Pisces and Aquarius. It is the twenty-fifth constellation in the zodiac. Its ruling deity is Jupiter. The person will be honest and will have a very positive outlook in all his dealings. People of Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra are generally calm, but sometimes they can also get disturbed.
List of all auspicious Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2025……..
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2025
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra extends from 3:20 to 16:40 Pisces. These people are enthusiastic, excellent communicators, kind and honest towards children. Ahirbudhya, the mythological serpent of the depths of the atmosphere, is the nakshatra lord and divinity associated with Saturn. Whatever may be the circumstances, people of this nakshatra maintain equal relations with both high and low class people. They are considered as very good people in the society. They are also very kind.
List of all Auspicious Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2025
Revathi Nakshatra 2025
The last constellation in the constellation is Revati. Revati Nakshatra is said to bring happiness, growth and prosperity. Revati Nakshatra is favorable for starting a new business, getting married, getting pregnant, buying a new house, etc. The fish representing the constellation symbolizes learning and mobility. People of Revati Nakshatra are extroverts who remain apart from the crowd due to their excellent leadership abilities.
List of all auspicious Revati Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2025…..
Abhijit Nakshatra 2025
According to Atharvan and Yajurveda, Abhijit Nakshatra is situated between Uttarashadha and Shravan Nakshatra. The brightest star in the constellation Lyra, the star Vega, is important for this constellation. According to mythology, Daksha Prajapati had one son, Abhijit, and twenty-seven daughters. Abhijit is the 28th Nakshatra, and these 27 daughters represent the 27 Nakshatras. “Abhijeet” denotes a conqueror or undefeated. It extends up to Capricorn. The lord of this Nakshatra is Mercury, which bestows them with intelligence, curiosity, good communication skills, religious and spiritual inclination and intelligence. Golden yellow is an auspicious color. The twenty-eighth constellation is Abhijeet Nakshatra.
Abhijeet Nakshatra 2025: Characteristics of the natives
Men named Abhijeet have pleasant nature and attractive personality. Just being there says a lot about them. They become adept at whatever they do and as a result, they move forward with grace. Due to their achievements and values, they enjoy a high level of respect in the society. They are hardworking, friendly and organized. They are disciplined. They are generally spiritual and religious. They may take interest in occult and other spiritual activities. Wherever they are, they are on top.
List of all auspicious Abhijeet Nakshatra 2025………
Nakshatras’ Degrees, Ruling Planets, and Deities
The ruling planets, deities, and degrees of each nakshatra are specific. They are also associated with symbolic birds and animals. There are numerous factors, including gana, colour, and purpose.
Below is anounce of Nakshatra related information:
NakshatraBest gifts for your loved ones | Degree | Ruling Planet | Deity |
Ashwini | 0 – 13.20 Aries | Ketu | Ashwini Kumars |
Bharani | 13.20 – 26.40 Aries | Venus | Yama |
Krittika | 26.40 Aries – 10 Taurus | Sun | Agni |
Rohini | 10 – 23.20 Taurus | Moon | Brahma |
Mrigashirsha | 23.20 Taurus – 6.40 Gemini | Mars | Soma / Chandra |
Ardra | 6.40 – 20 Gemini | Rahu | Rudra |
Punarvasu | 20 Gemini – 3.20 Cancer | Jupiter | Aditi |
Pushya | 3.20 – 16.40 Cancer | Saturn | Brihaspati |
Ashlesha | 16.40 – 30 Cancer | Mercury | Nagas |
Magha | 0 – 13.20 Leo | Ketu | Pitras |
Purva Phalguni | 13.20 – 26.40 Leo | Venus | Aryaman |
Uttara Phalguni | 26.40 Leo – 10 Virgo | Sun | Bhaga |
Hasta | 10 – 23.20 Virgo | Moon | Saviti / Surya |
Chitra | 23.20 Virgo – 6.40 Libra | Mars | Vishwakarma |
Swati | 6.40 – 20 Libra | Rahu | Vayu |
Vishakha | 20 Libra – 3.20 Scorpio | Jupiter | Indragni |
Anuradha | 3.20 – 16.40 Scorpio | Saturn | Mitra |
Jyeshta | 16.40 – 30 Scorpio | Mercury | Indra |
Mula | 0 – 13.20 Sagittarius | Ketu | Niriti |
Purva Ashadha | 13.20 – 26.40 Sagittarius | Venus | Apah |
Uttara Ashadha | 26.40 Sagittarius – 10 Capricorn | Sun | Visvedevas |
Shravana | 10 – 23.20 Capricorn | Moon | Vishnu |
Dhanistha | 23.20 Capricorn – 6.40 Aquarius | Mars | Eight Vasus |
Shatabhisha | 6.40 – 20 Aquarius | Rahu | Varuna |
Purva Bhadrapada | 20 Aquarius – 3.20 Pisces | Jupiter | Ajaikapada |
Uttara Bhadrapada | 3.20 – 16.40 Pisces | Saturn | Ahirbudhnya |
Revathi | 16.40 – 30 Pisces | Mercury | Pushan |
Aims and Temperaments of Nakshatras:
Every Nakshatra has four distinct life goals that the native must accomplish. Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha are these.
Dharma is following our responsibilities and doing what is right in various circumstances. It has to do with finishing everyday tasks or activities.
Artha inspires the creation of wealth and revenue for the native’s subsistence as well as for other people’s welfare. The Kama is about going after one’s desires in order to find fulfilment in different spheres of life. Moksha is total freedom. It’s about making an effort to free one’s soul.
In the table below, the aims and temperaments of Nakshatras are listed:
Nakshatra | Aim | Temperament |
Ashwini | Dharma | Dev |
Bharani | Artha | Manushya |
Krittika | Kama | Rakshasa |
Rohini | Moksha | Manushya |
Mrigashirsha | Moksha | Dev |
Ardra | Kama | Manushya |
Punarvasu | Artha | Dev |
Pushya | Dharma | Dev |
Ashlesha | Dharma | Rakshasa |
Magha | Artha | Rakshasa |
Purva Phalguni | Kama | Manushya |
Uttara Phalguni | Moksha | Manushya |
Hasta | Moksha | Dev |
Chitra | Kama | Rakshasa |
Swati | Artha | Dev |
Vishakha | Dharma | Rakshasa |
Anuradha | Dharma | Dev |
Jyeshta | Artha | Rakshasa |
Mula | Kama | Rakshasa |
Purva Ashadha | Moksha | Manushya |
Uttara Ashadha | Moksha | Manushya |
Shravana | Kama | Manushya |
Dhanistha | Artha | Rakshasa |
Shatabhisha | Dharma | Rakshasa |
Purva Bhadrapada | Dharma | Manushya |
Uttara Bhadrapada | Artha | Manushya |
Revathi | Kama | Dev |
Symbolic Animals of Nakshatras
Every Nakshatra has a symbolic animal, as was previously mentioned. These have been allocated in accordance with the general nature and Deities. For instance, the horse is the animal symbol for Ashwini Nakshatra. When someone has this Nakshatra, you’ll notice that they usually have a very busy schedule and are interested in solving problems or helping others get better. Considering that the gods are Ashwini Kumars, horse-headed healers of celestial creatures. In this way, each symbol of a Nakshatra has a particular meaning.
Animal | Nakshatra |
Horse | Ashwini, Shatabhisha |
Elephant | Bharani, Revathi |
Goat | Krittika, Pushya |
Serpent | Rohini, Mrigashirsha |
Dog | Ardra, Mula |
Cat | Punarvasu, Ashlesha |
Rat | Magha, Purva Phalguni |
Cow | Uttara phalguni, Uttara Bhadrapada |
Buffalo | Hasta, Swati |
Tiger | Chitra, Vishakha |
Deer | Anuradha, Jyeshta |
Monkey | Purva Ashadha, Shravana |
Mongoose | Uttara Ashadha |
Lion | Dhanistha, Purva Bhadrapada |
This is only a general summary of the characteristics of the Nakshatras. It is an extremely intricate, yet mathematically sound, explanation of a person’s life trajectory. We learn more and more about the specifics of the astrological chart as we delve deeper.
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2025 Horoscope
Today’s Panchang
View AllTithi : Shukla Paksha Panchami
Paksha : Shukla Paksha Panchami
Sunrise : 06:54
Sunset : 18:46
Nakshatra : Bharani
Yog : Brahma
Karan : Bav