Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility

Isn’t it interesting to know that the person you are with, shares an equal understanding of your emotions? There may be differences for sure, but where there’s love, there’s always a way, right? Knowing the differences can actually help them resolve the issues and make the relationship a lifetime bliss! Zodiac signs can help understand love compatibility in a much-simplified manner. Well, well, well! The psychic Scorpio couples, when coming into a union, a purgative and healing affair is in-store or a complete disaster in the making. TBH, a Scorpio walking together with another Scorpio can change them forever. In the worst case of a break-up as well, the energetic impact and the lessons learned can echo for years. Let’s hit it and know what these two water signs are in for.


24 Oct - 22 Nov


24 Oct - 22 Nov

Scorpio And Scorpio Compatibility In Love

Scorpio and Scorpio’s compatibility in love promises them an interesting association. When they come together in a union of any kind, it’s an instant psychic correlation that takes place in no time. Some of the key points in this connection are:

  • Yaass, the union of two Scorpions is indeed an utter experience of passion, magic, mystery, love, and fascination!
  • They both share a natural sense of eroticism and inviting energy. Interestingly, from the V first moment, stormy passions begin to spice up. They also attract each other with their innate strength and reliability.
  • It’s as if they have their one and only twin soul mate, the one who has the same dark and deep secrets as them. Amazement takes over when such a person who can know them even better than themselves, comes into their life.
  • Spoken words are seldom necessary as both of them feel a two-way psychic connection. We all know how mystical the watery Scorpio is!

Pros Of Scorpio and Scorpio Relationship

Both the Scorpio partners may share a deep inner peace, sense of secrecy, and purpose as they are affiliated with the water element. Belonging to the same zodiac sign, there are numerous common grounds that play an added advantage in this association. Here are a few pros to this relationship:

  • The whip hand of this love connection is that both can stimulate each other’s minds when they communicate at a brainstorming level, as both are driven by intellectuality!
  • They can immensely dive deep into communicating things that other people usually avoid indulging in. They can feel at home in each other’s arms without wanting for more. Awww, how cute!
  • They make each other realize that they are never alone and can heal deep wounds by simply being true to each other. Not only does this build a strong alliance, but it also draws them closer with each passing day!
  • Any obstacle can be tackled with the stormy waves present in both of them. Hence, they will make for great lovers!

Cons Of Scorpio and Scorpio Relationship

Being similar can also turn out to be negative when it is a Scorpio! As this is a stingy association where one can sting the other at the same level, there are some cons in this relationship as well. Some of them are as below:

  • As much as they both wish to share their life together, they hate being controlled even by their other half. Due to their dominative nature, the relationship between Scorpions can face concerns.
  • Both are possessive to the core, as they want to know what their partner is up to, while they want freedom for themselves as well. A little complicated!
  • The trust issue is another thing that gets in the way of this couple. In fact, it’s the major drawback stopping a Scorpio from being a Scorpio’s finest love match.
  • This can lead to salty arguments, which subsequently results in a lack of trust between them. If they sort these things out, they can experience a heck of a relationship!

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