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How Will the Stellium of 5 Planets in Capricorn Affect You and Me?

How Will the Stellium of 5 Planets in Capricorn Affect You and Me?

A cluster of three or more planets in a person’s birth chart is termed as Stellium. This bundle acts as one force forming one super planet. This conjunction takes place in the same zodiac sign. It is said that an individual has all 12 zodiac signs in their nature, but a super planet or strong stellium gives the hardest punch. A stellium with the wow factor involves planets, like the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. In this conjunction, we at least have the three from the wow list.

In the zodiac table, Capricorn is the 10th sign and is related to the 10th house of achievement in physical reality. When an individual is under the influence of Capricorn, they tend to be quite serious, perhaps, more introverted in other terms. The birth planet of Capricorn is Saturn, and the Horned Sea-Goat is its zodiac symbol. This Sea-Goat climbs ridiculous mountains without falling, always achieving its goals. Therefore it makes sense why Capricorn is related to achievement.

The Super Stellium of these Five Planets will be from 5th February to 13th February 2021.

Now imagine, the Five Planets coming together is HUGE!

Well, what if we say there are Seven Planets. You heard it right, people!

Seven Planets will form a stellium in Capricorn, which is also called Saptagrah Yoga.

Before we get into the details, let’s take you through memory lane.

Click Here and Read More About Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Formation of Seven Planets Conjunction in Capricorn

As we all know, on the eve of Makar Sankranti, Sun entered the sign Capricorn creating a four-planet stellium of Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Sun.

Consequently, on 28th January 2021, the planet of beauty and love, Venus transited Capricorn, while Pluto was already present since November 26, 2008. So Capricorn is hosting 6 planets.

Now, the planet that will join them is the one that represents emotions and vulnerability. No points for guessing! It is the Moon!

Moon will enter Capricorn on February 12, 2021, forming a stellium of 7 planets! Whoop!!!

So when the big and prominent players are put together in one small space, what would happen?

It creates clashes and panic right.

Similarly, all the biggies Mercury, Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Saturn, and Pluto together in Capricorn could create Chaos, which could reign supreme.

Though the seven planets conjunction shall remain until the 14th of February 2021, its impact will be experienced until January 17, 2023.

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Influence of the Seven Planets Conjunction in Capricorn

  • An influential person may make a wrong decision owing to the advice of an advisor.
  • Whenever there is a conjunction of seven planets, emergencies are declared, or big troubles are brewed for the future. Impacting society in a big way.
  • It even creates Goli Yoga, last seen 59 years ago in 1962.
  • Who could forget the 1962 Indo-China war? Right!
  • Mars, Mercury, Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Moon were together in Capricorn at that time as well.
  • The situation was chaotic during that time, and a similar situation is foreseen.
  • There was a lot of havoc at that time too, and such situations are foreseen now as well.
  • Though Mars is not in conjunction, a war-like situation can be anticipated.
  • The USA may take actions on the international water borders, which may impact the USA and allied countries.
  • Wildlife may be impacted, and there could be events related to a forest fire as well. The thought of buying Gold and Silver may have to be put on hold, as the market of these precious metals may remain eruptive.
  • The unskilled labourer may also feel the impact.

Let us go ahead and see how the Saptagrah will affect the home ground of Capricorn and other signs.

Note: The predictions are based on Vedic astrology. Hence, the influence of Pluto is not considered.

Also, the planet Moon will be in Capricorn for 2.5 days only. Hence, its impact would be less in comparison to Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Capricorn.

5 Planets Stellium Effects on Aries: Worrisome Professional Life

Sun + Venus and Saturn + Jupiter are forming ‘Raja Yoga’ in the centre and Southern direction respectively. These planets will lay golden eggs by sitting in the 10th House, but the Devil will make you put in your extra efforts. On top of it, Jupiter puts its foot down and causes hurdles in your path, forcing you to spend extra cash. Sol (the Sun) being in the 10th House will make the Profession Line strong. The Sun is the provider of hard work, it shares its power and strength with other planets staying in the house. This helps individuals to achieve success in their work. New ideas will brew in Aries native’s mind, and they will accomplish their desired professional goals.

Saturn has the devilish powers, and sitting with the Sun and Jupiter forming Triple Transit will make you do unnecessary expenses. So any long term investments during the stellium is a total no-no. The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus makes you uneasy about your business, and you’re worried that you may end up spending more than your income. Working professionals may see a change in their job, office, or directly transfer notice. For job seekers, between 5th April to 20th November, you’ll find something. The conjunction of Saturn and Venus may make you sad and even create obstacles, but this will force you to do intense hard work, and in the end, you will complete your work.

Here, Jupiter will act as your well-wisher and help you to calmly complete your work and even guide you into the right path during challenging times. Jupiter is taking the role of the Sun, and working as a ray of hope in the dark world, so you may get to solve your pending financial issues. If you survive this rare transition, you won’t face any major life issues, because you’ll know how to fight through any difficulty.

Your family is your priority, so you worry about them a lot. Indulging in small, silly, sweet fights increases your love, and you will enhance your love for your mate during this conjunction. Health monsters will be attacking you, so you gotta dodge the blows by taking proper care.

5 Planets Stellium Effects on Taurus: Ready For The Unexpected

The stellium of five planets is transiting in the house of luck where the beautiful planet and the devil combine to form ‘Raja Yoga’. The Prince planet, Mercury, and the bright star, Sun are also forming ‘Raja Yoga’, which may bring favourable outcomes for you. Although the conjunction of all 5 planets together can be chaotic, causing some unfavourable outcomes too. Thus it can be said that till April, i.e. till the stellium is there your life will be a roller coaster ride, after that you can enjoy the serene dolphin ride.

Mercury is coming in reverse gear, which will make you more worried about your mother’s health, your children, and your money. Your children will have the highs and the lows in their education, but somehow they’ll even get to taste success during Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Aquarius. As it is also the period of ‘Santan Prapti Yoga’, any couple who wishes to have a child can expect the blessing from the stellium.

Now, Venus will be a sweetheart and assist you to form a new routine. You’ll be able to finish all your pending work, be it related to business or religion. But Jupiter being the giant will come, and smash it like the Hulk. Soleil (the Sun) will inspire you to work and put in extra effort, but later you will regret doing anything because all your efforts will go in vain.

The presence of Saturn in the 9th House of Taurus means you are working your butt off. You may even struggle to make ends meet and earn your daily wages. During this stellium, it is advised not to plan for any long-term investments. Whatever help Venus will do, Saturn is just gonna mess it up. And so even after so much planning and plotting, you may find it difficult to complete your daily routine tasks, and stop being a lethargic being. You are just helping Saturn with its dirty work. You should keep your eyes and ears open to know who all are your hidden foes. Pay proper attention to your health because it is likely for you to get a headache, diabetes, stone in the kidney, or liver problem.

Uncover impacts of all planetary transits in 2024 on all aspects of your life with Horoscope 2024!

5 Planets Stellium Effects on Gemini: Stress On The Way

The Lord of Lagna House, aka Mercury, indicates that you should take care of your health during this stellium. When Mercury will pass through Gemini in the 8th House, it will absorb your willpower and weaken your immunity. The presence of the Lord of the 4th House in the 8th House may support you to get favourable results. Any pending work concerning your parental properties will be sorted, and you’ll be able to take important steps regarding the same.

During the stellium in Capricorn, you may spend more than your income. Your child’s health or education may get you all worked up. Even your job is unsatisfactory, and you may hunt for a new one. However, don’t just quit your crappy job, just yet, because it will be a difficult time for you to get a new job. Your boss or management will eat your head and will not be supportive at all, but you need to maintain your calm. It is advised not to make any investments in the stock market during the conjunction. It is because the results may not be in your favour. Any court-related work may add to your trouble puddle and won’t get you a favourable verdict.

Your married boat is sailing just fine, but a few storms here and there can cause you to indulge in silly arguments with your spouse. In terms of health, you need to pay attention to not only yourself but your parents, spouse, and children too. Your attention may get inclined towards spirituality. This may not be the correct time to spend your money on the renovation as you may end up spending more than required. Business owners will have a little instability in their work and will not earn profits also. Amidst all the tension and struggle, you should refrain from taking any kind of loan. Also, keep your troubles to yourself and don’t share your financial planning with anyone; it’ll just add up to your problems.

5 Planets Stellium Effects on Cancer: More At The Challenging Side

Hosting a meet and greet, after 30 years, Saturn overpower, Saturn in its own zodiac house.

As the Lord of the Rings is residing in its own zodiac sign – Capricorn, it overshadows the remaining 4 planets. The presence of the Sun in Capricorn along with Saturn weakens the powers of the Sol (the Sun).

The weakening of the Sun will not help you meet your family’s expectations, and in return, you don’t get their support in your work. Several financial challenges will come your way, and on top of that, you are not earning any profits. It is advised to be careful while getting yourself a new business partner, you cannot know anyone’s true intentions these days.

While buying a new property, you may face some delays. Making new investments is a total no-no right now. There can be a volcano eruption of family problems because of your property.

Your child’s educational problems are technically your problems which will just add to your bucket of worry. There’ll be many small issues daily with your spouse; you should adopt (if you don’t already possess) a let-go attitude; it’ll keep you chill and sorted! You may even find some shortcomings in your pending religious works. This Capricorn stellium will be not so good or not so bad for you, and therefore, you will have a decent time.

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5 Planets Stellium Effects on Leo: Trust Only Yourself

The stellium of five planets will bring positive and little negative results for Leo natives. The power of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Sun, and Mercury will make you more focused on your day to day schedule. You may get various opportunities in terms of business and work, or even get a new job offer. The new golden opportunity may drown you with the extra workload, but it will help you in the long run with your finances.

The possibility of change in your workplace or department or transfer notice is also there. In professional life, you will get many who envy you, who are jealous of you, and sometimes those working under you have so high ego that they won’t give you satisfactory work results. Sooner or later, you’ll realise that there is a lot of competition for your job. Be grateful for what you have, but never be overconfident about it; it can backfire you. People can be like snakes at times, so don’t trust anyone blindly; you won’t know when they’ll bite you.

Do not rush to buy any property, it’s a fixed asset, and it won’t run away. Renovation or redecorating of your home is on the cards, so enjoy these small-small moments. It is completely alright to think multiple times before signing any document and read it 10 times too while getting yourself into something new.

Your health needs special attention as during this stellium; you are likely to face more or less health issues. The conjunction of these five planets will not make it easy for you as they may bring health trouble party to your House. Problems like back pain, blood pressure, stomach ache, knee-related, intestine problems, etc., will be the guest. Avoid outside junk food as a precaution.

Sometimes we do things that cost us to lose the trust of family and friends, maybe something similar might happen with you, and you get worried about it. Well, then you better keep an apology letter ready, yeah? Female natives are the host of the party; therefore, they will tend to get more family drama.

5 Planets Stellium Effects on Virgo: Family Issues May Haunt You

Mercury is sitting with a strong glue in your 5th House, Virgo, and it won’t let any health issues come your way. On the other hand, the conjunction of the Sun with Saturn may make you miss the opportunities to try new things as you will lack concentration despite having so much confidence.

As a parent, you are right to get worried about your child, but give them time, everything will be sorted. Students may get fruitful results in their studies, but it may not be satisfactory, because you know you can do better. But guess what? You can still shoot for the stars. It’s sweet to look at a married couple fight and do couple-y things, but at the same time, you should avoid any confrontation with your spouse. Trust is one of the important ingredients in the recipe of love and relationship. Lovers, you are going to lose that during the ups and downs of your relationship during this time.

There will be a bucket full of family problems and financial tension. You may plan to start your new work, but soon Saturn will steal away that focus, and you won’t be able to complete it. Your gadgets and other electronics would stop working too. For the time being, hold all the profit you’ll get from the stock market and don’t invest it elsewhere. Your business won’t go in a steady direction but will keep swinging from left to right. Post-November, some new opportunities will knock on your door. Stability in business or work will also follow. Your finances will improve too.

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5 Planets Stellium Effects on Libra: Parents! Take A Note

Venus + Saturn and Mercury + Jupiter are forming ‘Raja Yoga’. The presence of Raja Yoga in your House Libra suggests the attainment of luxury and comfort in your life. But with power comes some discomfort, and our powerful Sol (the Sun) may give you mental stress. To add to your misery, Lord of the Rings in the 4th House may disturb your peace of mind or even create health problems throughout the year. The Devil won’t just stop there; due to Saturn, you may even make new enemies, so avoid socialising and trusting people.

You will be successful in your work field, and even small profits will be earned, but you may not be able to control your expenses. BTW, this will leave you with – well nothing, in your bank account. So look after your money expenditure! It is advised not to make any long term investments as it will give you no returns. You may give it your all and work hard but still not get the desired results. But there’s a shining light in the dark, as you may get benefits from your property.

Female natives may have tid-bit family issues, and if you are a job person, then you may feel pressured to leave it and be a good homemaker. Amidst all the chaos, don’t forget to take care of your health as there is a possibility of you getting diabetes, stress, breathing, blood pressure, or heart-related problems, gynaecological issues, etc. Dear parents, your Libra child may not say it, but they are worried that you don’t love them. So shower them with hugs and kisses, so they never feel that way again.

5 Planets Stellium Effects on Scorpio: Travelling On The Cards

As Saturn is hosting a meet and greet with Jupiter, Sun, Venus, and Mercury, the conjunction in Capricorn at the 3rd house, and therefore, you may enjoy family time. Worrying for your children is just one more part of you, embrace it. Take care of your health and fight blood pressure, hair fall, or diabetes. Your relatives may have to face the health issues though *tight-lipped smile*. Single Scorpio natives may receive a proposal from their desired life partner, and when you do get it you may say YES, I DO!

Your pending documentation work needs your full attention, as this paperwork can save you from getting into big disputes. Investing in the stock market or long-term deposits is not a good option during the stellium of five planets. Although you will get returns from your previous investment after November.

This period will add in travelling, which will keep you busy and tired. The majority of these would be business trips while some can be leisure ones too, irrespective you may have to spend more money. Commission business and website work professionals may get some profit.

Landlords and tenants can sometimes get on your nerves, and you may end up arguing with them, but don’t let it get to you. Individuals wanting to travel abroad for their studies will get their wish fulfilled, and they will work hard for it too. To support this, you will get new opportunities to achieve the desired results. Do not spend money on buying new electronic items. You know, you don’t need it, and someone has to tell you.

5 Planets Stellium Effects on Sagittarius: Take Care Of Your Mother

Sagittarius natives are serving the third phase of ‘Sade Sati’ so this conjunction will give you good as well as bad results. Even though you will feel your self-confidence, your worries for your family will overpower the support you get from them. But needless to worry about other matters such as pending work of your parental property as it will be sorted.

Try not to get caught up in arguments with your elder siblings or friends, it’ll just give you mental stress. Married couples will have a good time, although there may be an increase in family responsibilities. Stellium in Capricorn may create turbulence in your mother’s health, this will make you more worried about your mother.

The combination of these five planets may also affect your health, so look after yourself too. See a doctor if you have neck pain, teeth pain, headache, etc. before it increases to something major. Also, adopt healthy eating habits to stay free from obesity and diabetes.

Your long-term investments may not provide you with good returns but if you continue to work hard in your business, you will achieve great heights in that which will give you profit. If you want you can make small investments, but still expected profit may not be much. Professional workers may find many new opportunities till April, but everything requires hard work, remember that. There is tough competition in the job market, so as long as you are working hard you’ll get by. Still, be cautious of your enemies. By the end of the year, you may get a good profit due to Jupiter of Capricorn.

Parents need to spend more time and money on their children but know that this is just a small investment for their bright future. Don’t ever be afraid to shoot for the stars, who knows your wish may get fulfilled. Sagittarius students who want to travel abroad for their studies may get success if they really try hard. You will have many obstacles, family problems being one of them, but nothing can stop you if you believe in yourself. During this stellium, you may even get involved in religious activities and do some work related to that.

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5 Planets Stellium Effects on Capricorn: Time To Focus On Yourself

Capricorn, you are serving the second phase of ‘Sade Sati’. So you will maintain a good financial status during the stellium but may have few unexpected spendings here and there. This spending can be for your family. Trips may be planned to spend some quality time with your children. The memories you make, and the time you spend are all good, but still, in your mind, you’d feel lonely. It is because you feel that your family members are selfish.

Slowly, you’ll lose the trust of your close relatives. You may even get worried about your child and end up having arguments with him/her. You were just trying to be their well-wisher, fixing their broken marriage, but it creates more problems for you. Your efforts and trials go in vain as you don’t get the desired response, but gradually you’ll come out of that phase too.

Screaming and shouting also happen between you and your siblings, but try to handle the situation calmly rather than spoiling the relations with them. Although you may ruin your bond with your friends as you may not get satisfactory responses from their end.

Your partner will shower you with loads of love during the stellium in Capricorn. In your love life, a new person will walk in, but it may be possible that it’s the wrong person at the right time. You should wait for the right person at the right time. Otherwise, the wrong person may cheat on you. Amidst all the love affairs, do give proper attention to yourself and your health too. You may have problems like low blood pressure, thyroid, hair fall, asthma, back pain, or problems since your birth. You may face health-related and property-related issues throughout the year. However, you’ll be able to control the health troubles even at a later date.

As Saturn is residing in Lagna’s house, you may find your inner strength to try new things. You may not be able to get a smooth start to your new business or work. You should carefully read all documents before putting in your signature. You may get unfavourable results regarding your properties. Your loan may easily get approved, but it is advised that you should not take a home loan during this time.

Luck may favour you in the coming days, and therefore you will have a good time in the upcoming months. You should not be so overconfident. Otherwise, you may get into more trouble. This transition indicates a good time for professional workers, but you may not be able to complete your work on time. However, you won’t have any major loss or troubles. This transition gives a clear message that you get profit equal to the amount of your hard work.

5 Planets Stellium Effects on Aquarius: Too Many Troubles

Aquarius, you are under the first phase of ‘Sade Sati’. This conjunction will come bearing the gift of mental stress for you. The Lord of the 2nd house is in your house till 5th April 2021, and during this stellium, you won’t be able to stop your hand from spending money at all.

The mental stress will make you get more worried about your family, and therefore, you will spend more money. After 5th April, with the help of Jupiter transit, you will be able to solve the health problems; till then, you have to take proper care. Otherwise, you may face problems in your left eye, shoulder, or teeth.

It is advised to take financial matters in hand; else, your hard-earned money may get stuck. Investments during the stellium in Capricorn won’t give you good returns, so refrain from doing that. Travelling overseas can be difficult too, but with serious efforts, you turn the tables and make your dream into reality.

Till these five planets are in power, you will continue to face some trouble in your education. Your wishes will stay wishes only; you won’t know which stream to choose, and you may miss out on many new opportunities.

They say opposites attract, so despite the differences in your married life, you will have a good time. During this transition, if you want to sell your property, you may not get the desired price, but on the other hand, if you want to clear some of your financial woes, you may sell it at a low price. Business people may have stones and rocks in their way, whereas professional workers will have a smooth road.

As an entrepreneur, you may think about closing down your old work and come up with a new business. This shift will bring in major changes in your business too. During the stellium of five planets, your interest may get inclined towards religious and social work. Even your wish for travelling will be fulfilled. Post-April, you may feel relaxed as you slowly come out of the difficult phase.

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5 Planets Stellium Effects on Pisces: Single May Mingle

As Saturn is transiting in your 11th house, it will aspect the first house. So Pisces, you may feel stressed. It will be mainly because of difficulties in making decisions because of the second thoughts you may have. Your focus would be elsewhere, which will not let you complete your desired work. Even your gadgets will give up on you and stop working while you’ll be in the middle of something. Even after all that life throws at you, you will succeed in your work by the end of the first quarter.

People who work as agents or have a commission business may get huffed and puffed to complete their work. However, you can sit back as it will get completed before April, i.e. before the conjunction passes. Working professionals may need to work hard and continue with that even if your progress gets delayed, and you receive immense pressure from the management of the company.

Individuals having an online business will get positive results as planets have taken good opportunity seats. You may try to start new ventures. Try not to be someone who just ticks marks, ‘I have read the terms and conditions’ box, reading any document before signing will work in your favour. Students will get the blessing of all five planets and even get into a little trouble in online studies, but hard work is the key to solve everything and get affirmative results.

You tend to get worried about your family, but that is legitimate because if you don’t, family problems may arise.  During the stellium of the 5 planets, you may also face some health problems like stomach pain, diabetes, or prostate problems. The ruler of love and relationship – Venus, has a strong foot in the 11th House during stellium in Capricorn. So it’s a treat for singles as they may get marriage proposals from the one they want, and even settle in a good city.

Although there can be issues while house hunting. The married couples will also get the taste of love that is present in the atmosphere. It is important to filter what comes out of your mouth if you want to maintain a good relation with your friends. You may win your friend’s trust, but still,  there’ll be several differences. You may have small trips now and then, but your dream to travel abroad may not get fulfilled. Sorry!

Also Read:Effects of Jupiter Transit in Moon, Venus, Sun, Saturn, and Mercury Planets Stellium on India

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