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Monkey and Rat Compatibility – Monkey Chinese Zodiac – Rat Chinese Zodiac

Monkey and Rat Compatibility – Monkey Chinese Zodiac – Rat Chinese Zodiac

Chinese astrology is an animal-based classification, unlike the Vedic one, which focuses more on the alignment of planets and stars. It is chained by 12 animals. These animals repeat themselves after every 12 years. However, these are further linked by their Earth element. For example, Rats are water while Monkeys are metal. These elements play an important role in their personality traits and compatibility factor.

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Chinese Zodiac Rat and Monkey: Personality Traits

Like there is a coat for every person, the traits also vary from individual to individual. The same goes for these Chinese Zodiacs also. There are a few common traits which the Rat and Monkey exhibit, and they both can glitter together. While both are energetic and full of life, there are traits that are specific to them.

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Male Monkey Personality

They belong to the metal domain in Chinese Zodiac astrology. Male monkeys are agile, active, and full of confidence. These are the kind of people you want in your life. Street smart, full of confidence, energetic, and practical! Socially, they mix like sugar in water and bring sweetness to life. Compassionate, romantic, and responsible in a relationship!

Male Monkeys tend to bring happiness to their partner’s life. However, they want a peaceful environment in their personal as well as married life. They are easy goers but competitive. Arrogant to a certain extent, they can do petty tricks to get things done. This can lead to sloppiness in their behaviour. If the person in front is smart enough, he can catch his tricks. This can lead to sloppiness, unstable nature in their behaviour.

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Male monkeys are passionate and loyal in love relationships. They are mostly one-woman personalities. This is why Monkey and Rat compatibility gives high results. This is the match made in heaven. However, male monkeys tend to fall for glittering personality women. A lively female with common hobbies and likings can attract them very fast. They tend to fall for the similar-minded opposite sex. They don’t want to spend time on trial and error and want a long term relationship.

On the career front, they are quite imaginative, and any work related to the imagination will suit them. They like to work alone and not in groups. Deadline type works are not suited to them as they get restless when nearing a deadline. They would excel in a work area that can enhance their artistic abilities. Though they are a one-man army, sometimes they can work in small groups also. With the problem-solving ability and high leadership capability, they can be good leaders.

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Female Rats Personality

Female Rats are highly energetic, enthusiastic, and positive in life. Popular faces among the mass, they are optimistic, hardworking, and dedicated. On the flip side, they are attention seekers and demand freedom and can be dominant in a relationship. They are caring towards family, and you are lucky to have them as your wife.

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Earth Rat Chinese Zodiac Sign ! Earth Rate: Unknown Facts & Characteristics ! For more information about Earth Rat Chinese Zodiac

Just to ease your efforts, a female Rat gel well with a male Monkey. Rat and Monkey compatibility score is high and is often said to be the matches made in heaven. Rat females lend one eye towards their family. Good in budgeting, buying 2nd hand goods doesn’t bother her. She can save money on one-hand and can spend generously as well when it comes to family.

Hard work is one of their traits, and so on the career front, they are the workhorse and can be sloggers.

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Monkey and Rat Compatibility

As both the signs are like-minded and have several common traits. This can be a match made in heaven. However, Monkey and Rat compatibility can be the talk of the town. And why not? Both are complementary to each other. Male Monkey becomes the perfect husband while female Rat becomes the desired wife. They bond at the cosmic level and their charm and charisma make them the power couple.

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Male Monkey and Female Rat Compatibility

Monkeys are jovial and showboat and tend to impress their female partners. Rats, on the other hand, tend to admire whatever Monkey does to impress her. Rat always has a plan B and ready to take up any situation. She is more suited to withstand the trickery of this world and become a perfect foil for Monkey. Because Monkeys are short-sighted when compared to Rats. That defect is covered by the Rat.

Female born in Rat zodiac tends to be dreamy. However, they want themselves to be perfect and want to become beauty with brains. Though inclined towards family and are known to be good housekeepers, they indulge in materialistic happiness.

However, due to their egoistic nature, there can be arguments in their relationship. Rats are good housekeepers and keep the house in order, while Monkeys will do the practical thing. If they can overcome their arguments and differences, then this can be an everlasting relation. Their cosmic match is generally above 90%. In school also if your result is more than 90% then you are happy, aren’t you? Then why wait! Go for the catch.

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Male Rat and Female Monkey Compatibility

If you reverse the scenario, this can be matched closed to desired if not the best match. The relationship can begin with some turbulence. Rat is known to be the seductress while Monkey wants love. One is a doner, and another is an acceptor. This property gels well with them. They say when a man gets irritated, then a woman can pacify him. The same is the case here as when the Rat gets nervous, the calming effect is brought by the Monkey.

Female Monkeys tend to be optimistic. This will negate any negative feelings or vibes and inspire her partners to achieve success. She will lift her partner. Also, she fits the saying behind every successful man, there is a female.

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What to do if Your Partner is Rat?

If your partner is a Rat, then you need to have a good ear. Rats love to debate and argue. They are somewhat attention seekers and will complain frequently about small things. The best way to deal with them is to listen to them. They like freedom and not advice, so it’s better if you let them take the lead. On the reverse side, they are very suspicious in nature. So be honest with them and don’t give them any opportunity to doubt.

The Rats’ best match is with Monkey, Ox and Dragon. However, they should avoid Horse and rooster as this match will not last long.

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What to do if Your Partner is Monkey?

Monkeys are egoistic, self-centred, but they are hopeless lovers. They tend to fall for beauty over brains. So if your partner is a Monkey, then you need to enjoy their showboat skills and argue less. Give them love, and they will fall for you. Monkeys gel well along with Rat. One common thing for both Rat and Monkey is both like to dominate. Keep this thing in mind, and this can be an everlasting relation.

Monkey’s best match is Rat, Ox, or Rabbit. However, they should avoid Tiger and pig. They easily tend to fall for beauty and attractive personality. So it is advisable for them to be patient and think twice before moving ahead.

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