The year 2021 is the year of the Ox personality, which started from February 12, 2021, and will end on January 31, 2022, and the element associated is metal, so this year being the year of the Ox characteristics is called the metal Ox year. Like all other Zodiac animals, Ox zodiac eminent personalities are associated with five elements: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. For Ox Zodiac eminent personalities fixed element is Earth. The Ox Zodiac is the second of all the Chinese Zodiac signs.
Ox was the first animal in the race, but being kind and noble, he gave Rat a ride on his horn, helping him cross the river. The Rat took the advantage and jumped to the terminus ahead of Ox and took first place. So Ox had to accept the second place as per the Chines myth. If you wish to see whether your birth year also makes you one of these Ox zodiac eminent personalities, please go through the chart and find out; though the dates vary as per the Chinese Lunar Calendar for all the zodiac signs, you would still be able to find out your with the table below.
Following are the years of the Ox Zodiac eminent personalities.
- 1937 February 11, 1937 – January 31, 1938 Fire
- 1949 January 29, 1949 – February 16, 1950, Earth
- 1961 February 15, 1961 – February 4, 1962 Metal
- 1973 February 3, 1973, to January 22, 1974 Water
- 1985 February 9, 1985 – February 8, 1986 Wood
- 1997 February 7, 1997, to January 27, 1998 Fire
- 2009 January 26, 2009, to February 13, 2010, Earth
- 2021 February 12, 2021, to January 31, 2022 Metal
The Influence of Elements on Ox Chinese Zodiac Personality
In Chinese legends, the following years. 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, and 2021 are believed to be Chinese Zodiac Ox years. Few Ox zodiac eminent personalities are Christiano Ronaldo ( 5the February 1985 ), Barack Obama(August 4, 1961), George Clooney(May 6, 1961 ), Jack Nicholson(April 22, 1937), Meg Ryan(November 19, 1961 ), Charlie Chaplin(April 16, 1889), Napoleon Boneparte(August 15, 1769 ), Walt Disney(December 5, 1901), Anthony Hopkins (December 31, 1937), Keira Knightley(March 26, 1985), Paul Newman(January 26, 1925), and many more.
Wood: Chinese Wood-Ox personalities are generous, kind-hearted, merciful, and upright. They are straightforward and keep a harmonious relationship with friends and colleagues. The Ox zodiac eminent personalities believe in sharing and are always ready to mingle with like-minded people.
Fire: Fire-Ox people are smart, active, and a bit selfish. They are hot-tempered too. They easily get carried away by other’s words. The Ox zodiac eminent personalities look for vested interest and take decisions for their sole betterment.
Earth– Ox People born under the earth element are intelligent, grounded, clever, and responsible. These people are motivated and enthusiastic when it comes to achieving their goals.
Metal– Metal Ox Chinese Zodiac Personalities are strong like metal and very active. They are a centre of attraction and have very social personalities.
Water– These Ox Chinese Zodiac personalities are hardworking and possess the ability to observe things and make the best use of them. They are sometimes compelled to form relations which they are not interested in. They are easygoing and adapt to the circumstances accordingly.
How is the Ox Chinese Zodiac Personality?
Ox personality is the symbol of hard work, honesty, diligence, determination, and energy. People with Chinese Zodiac Ox traits are mostly traditional and are a bit stubborn. They don’t like adapting to new situations around them and do not like a lot of changes. Natives with Chinese Zodiac Ox characteristics, want to live life their sweet way.
Ox Zodiac eminent Personalities are Honest, Hardworking, trustworthy, conservative, and a bit stubborn. They are diligent, tolerant, and determined. They like to remain silent and do their duties honestly.
Natives with Ox zodiac traits are ethical and like to remain within their boundaries. They never tend to break the rules and do not get carried away easily. Ox Zodiac eminent personalities are different from other zodiac personalities in many ways. However, sometimes they are stubborn, which might lead to bitter consequences.
Ox Chinese Zodiac Personality Based on Their Birth Month?
The Ox Zodiac eminent Personalities born in March, July, August, or September are lucky. They live blissful life.
January, June, October, and November
People born with Chinese Zodiac Ox in these months are said to be not so lucky. They suffer in their youth, it gets a bit better in middle age and then goes on to live a happy life in their old age. They have to work hard to live a normal life. They do not have any benefactors or friends to support them.
February – They generally make their own decisions, do not believe in taking other’s advice and sometimes suffer.
March born Ox personalities are said to live a happy, cherished, successful, and complete life. They are said to be the luckiest of the rest of the Ox Chinese Zodiac Personalities.
April and May born Oxen are fairly lucky. They are not lucky enough to have trustworthy friends or relatives. They have to struggle to live a good life. They need to put more effort to live a normal life.
Junes and July ox personalities are born with a golden spoon, blessed with their ancestors’ property. They live a happy, cheerful, carefree, and complete life. In old age, they are even better. They are born with fortune. They get profit and money from all sides. It can be their friends, business, family, or ancestors.
September-born ox personalities are benefitted from their family and friends. They are courageous, hardworking and can change their fate with their great efforts.
December- Ox personalities from this month are lucky enough to have a great family. They get support from other people also. But they have to struggle for name and fame. They are successful in gaining fame but not always wealth.
We would be glad to know if you are an Ox Chinese zodiac personality as well. As the Ox Chinese Zodiac Personality, you have to be a bit careful in every 12th-year cycle starting from your birth year as you may face many challenges and have to overcome them. But don’t worry, you are great fighters, and we are sure you would stay strong through all the challenges and have a complete and happy life. Wishing you all the luck in life. Thank You.