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The Shami Tree Significance, Religious Importance and More

The Shami Tree Significance, Religious Importance and More

The Importance of Shami Patra for Vijayadashami

India is a nation where everything in the universe, both living and nonliving, is respected. This element is present in some form or another at every festival or celebration.

Vijayadashami is a day to celebrate the victory of good over evil after the holy nine nights of the Navaratri. While each area has its own flavour and significance for the day, this is a piece about a ritualistic activity known as Shammi Vruksha (Tree) worship and the distribution of Shammi Patra (Banni ele in Kannada).

How interesting it is to read about this tree, isn’t it? We can’t wait to tell you about shami plant benefits or shami tree benefits. So without any ado, let’s get started.

Any scientific information

Prosopis cineraria are the binomial Botanical name for the Shami Tree, which is a flowering tree in the Fabaceae family. Afghanistan, Iran, India, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen are among the arid regions of Western Asia and the Indian Subcontinent where it is found. In India, it is the state tree of Rajasthan and Telangana. The Tree of Life in Bahrain is a large and well-known example of the species. It is approximately 400 years old and grows in a desert with no visible sources of water. It is also the United Arab Emirates’ national tree.

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Religious Importance

Shami is a Hindu goddess who is worshipped during the Dasara festival. This tree is especially revered on the tenth day of the Dasara Festival when it is worshipped across India. The Ranas, who were both the high priest and the king among the Rajputs, used to conduct the worship and then release a jay, which was considered Lord Rama’s sacred bird.

The Marathas used to fire arrows at the leaf of the tree and collect the dropping leaf into their turbans as part of the tenth day practise of Dasara in the Deccan.

Banni mara is revered and worshipped on Vijay-Dashami day in Karnataka (and many other places) as the tree where the Pandavas hide their arms during their exile.

The Shammi Vruksha, also known as Banni mara, has a special place in the Mysore Dasara, where it is worshipped on Vijay-Dashami day.

The Pandavas are said to have spent their thirteenth year of exile in disguise in the kingdom of Virata, according to the Mahabharata.

They are said to have hung their celestial arms in this tree for a year before travelling to Virata. They find their arms safe in the branches of the Shami tree when they return after a year. They worshipped the tree and thanked it for keeping their arms secure before taking them.

The Mythology ( in Karnataka)

Shamivruta was a poor, destitute child who, despite being an orphan, embodied all of the virtues. Guru Mahaana ran a Gurukul (Indian Traditional School) named Sisu in the same place. Shamivruta, a hardworking and dedicated student, enrolled in the Gurukul and started his studies with utmost sincerity and dedication. As a classmate, he had Prince Vrukshita, the son of the Maharaja of that Kingdom.

As Guru Mahaana used to suggest, good education necessitates a great deal of modesty, and it may also necessitate going hungry at times in order to gain knowledge – Shamivruta did so dishonestly, but Vrukshita believed that “enthusiasm and knowledge can only be gained when the stomach is not hungry.” Otherwise, a student is as good as a living corpse.”

Years passed, and their education at Gurukul Sisu came to an end. It was time for everyone to face the real world and put their experience to practical use. Guru Mahaana promised them that he would come to each of them in due time to receive their Gurudakshina (Reverential Offering/Gift made to a Guru in exchange for the wisdom imparted) before they left for their homelands.

Guru Mahaana shows up at the palace of Vrukshita, who had risen to the position of the king by this time. He welcomes the Guru with pomp and circumstance befitting a king. He wanted to give his Guru everything that no one had ever given him before and that no one could ever give him again. He also wanted the Guru to see how valuable this royal pupil, who is now the king, was to him. He then loaded the Palace elephant with gold coins, gems, and jewels and sent it with the Guru. He then pursued the Guru in secret in order to see Shamivruta’s anguish – who will undoubtedly be repenting due to his failure to give anything to his Guru.

When Guru Mahaana arrives at Shamivruta’s humble hutment, he greets him with reverence and offers him milk and fruits. He inquired about the Guru’s well-being. Despite the fact that he has nothing to give, Shamivruta assures his Guru that he can ask for something and that he will make it available. To everyone’s surprise, Guru Mahaana demands that Shamivruta send him a full-grown Shami Tree with fresh green leaves from his backyard garden. Shamivruta, who believes there is nothing greater than a Guru and nothing greater than death, immediately offers it to the Guru and takes him to the backyard.

All of the leaves on the tree change into gold coins as soon as Guru Mahaana touches them. And it began to fall from the tree one by one, finally forming a large heap. Surprisingly, the tree already had leaves on it.

“Even a leaf given with love is equal to Gold compared to any gift given out of pride,” Guru Mahaana continues. He then summons Vruskhita and informs him that while gold is abundant, it cannot buy love or a good relationship. He then asks Vrukshita to ask his friend Shamivruta for forgiveness. Because of the greatness of this tree, they became one and thick friends, and it was called Shami Vruksha after both of them.

On Vijayadashami, Shami Patri or Banni else (leaves) became famous as a sign of a gift similar to gold but filled with love. When we hand over leaves, we say “Banni Bangaaravaagona,” which has two meanings. Come, let us become Gold, literally, but symbolically, it means, let us be like the Banni/Shami Gold relationship.

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The Importance of the Dussehra Festival

  • Dussehra commemorates the triumph of good over evil and is thus widely observed throughout the country.
  • In India, Dussehra marks the start of a big harvesting season. The majority of Kharif (Monsoon) sown crops, such as pulses and cereals, are ready to harvest.
  • Vijayadashami rituals, festivities, and sacrifices are performed to ensure good and productive agricultural yields so that Diwali, the festival of lights, can be celebrated twenty days later.
  • Vijayadashami, also known as Dussehra, is one of India’s most popular festivals. Several ancient historical events occurred on the eve of Dussehra that marked the triumph of reality over evil.
  • On this day, Durga defeated the demon Mahishasura, Ram defeated Ravan, Pandavas exile ended, and several other important positive events occurred. There are numerous running stories that detail each and every incident.
  • Different parts of India celebrate Vijayadasami in different ways, but one thing that stands out in most of them is the importance placed on certain plants.
  • In fact, some of these plants have become popular in India as a result of the festival. Credit to benefits of shami plants too.

Apta Tree is a tree that grows in India

  • Bauhinia racemosa is the scientific name for this native Indian tree.
  • The tree is easily identified by its distinctive rough-textured twin leaves.
  • In Maharashtra, on the day of Dussehra, these leaves are plucked from the tree, traded as gold, and metaphorically stolen from each other.
  • The tree has medicinal properties and is highly significant in Ayurvedic medicine. Learn about the benefits of medicinal plants.

Apta Tree’s Importance:

According to legend, on this day, the god of riches, ‘Kubera’ converted millions of Apta leaves into gold to assist an honourable scholar named ‘Kautsya’ in paying the ‘Guru-Dakshina’ (Fees). Only the ones Kautsya wanted were accepted, and the rest were distributed among the people of ‘Ayodhya.’

Shami Tree is a type of tree that grows in India

  • Prosopis cineraria are the scientific name for this leguminous tree, which is native to the Indian subcontinent.
  • This tree, like Acacia, grows in arid, dry areas of India. Because of its medicinal value, it is known as the “tree of life” in deserts.

Shami Tree’s Importance:

  • The Pandavas were banished for twelve years in the forest after losing a dice game to the Kaurav in the Mahabharata. Before joining the Kingdom of Virat to complete their final year of exile, the Pandavas hide their weapons in a hole in a Shami tree. They retrieved the weapons from the tree the following year on Vijayadashmi, proclaimed their true identities, and defeated the Kauravas, who had invaded King Virat to steal his cattle.
  • Shami trees and arms have been respected since that time, and the exchange of Shami leaves on Vijayadashmi has become a sign of goodwill.

Tree of Marigold:

  • These saffron-coloured flowers, known as ‘zendu’ in Maharashtra, are common at this time. Flowers are used in the form of garlands for worship and decoration.
  • Marigolds are seasonal flowering plants that bloom during Durga Puja and Dussehra when seeds are sown at the start of the monsoon.

Tree of Barley:

On the first day of Navaratri, it is customary in North Indian states to sow barley seeds in earthen pots and perform Durga Puja.

Barley’s Importance:

The nine-day-old sprouts known as Navratras are used for luck on Dussehra; men wear them in their caps or behind their ears.

On Dussehra, don’t forget Shami Puja and read about the auspicious Vijayadashami tradition.

It lasts nine days, starting on the auspicious day of Navratri. On the tenth day, Vijayadashami, or Dussehra, is celebrated. On this day, Lord Rama killed Lankapati Ravana, the demon king. In such circumstances, the holy festival of Dussehra is seen as a sign of good triumphing over bad. In addition, the custom of celebrating it on the same day began on that day. In such a scenario, the Dussehra festival is observed in various cities across the world, each with its own customs. On the day of Dussehra, many people worship weapons and the Shami tree. So, let’s take a closer look at it.

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Mahabharata is tied to the Shami tree

According to legend, the Pandavas concealed their arms and weapons on the Shami tree during the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata was then used to defeat the Kauravas. Worshipping the Shami tree during Pradosh Kaal on Dussehra is considered very auspicious in such a situation. Additionally, worshipping it on a regular basis provides relief from life’s problems as well as happiness, prosperity, and peace.

So, let’s go through the laws of Shami worship.

First and foremost, bathe in a clean bath.

Then, after proofing with a sincere heart, go to the Shami tree in Pradosh Kaal and give Ganga water, Narmada water, or pure water to its root.

After that, light an oil or ghee lamp and position your weapons beneath it.

– Perform Aarti and worship Panchopchar or Shodashopachara after offering incense, candle, and sweets to the arms with trees.

Even say this prayer with folded hands and a sincere heart.

‘Shami shamate papam shami shatru vinashini shami shamate papam

Ramasya Priyadarshini is an Arjunasya archer.

Sukhamaya Karishyamayanatraya yatakalam.

Shrirampujita Ttrirnirvighnakrittivam bhav’

It means that you, O Shami tree, can kill sins and overcome enemies. You were the mighty Arjuna’s archer. At the same time, Prabhu Shriram holds you in high regard. We are still worshipping you today in such a situation. May we be blessed by you, and may you encourage us to follow in your footsteps of honesty and victory. Also, knock down all the obstacles that stand in our way of victory and lead us to victory.

If you find any leaves near the tree after praying, take them as a Prasad. Additionally, wrap the remaining leaves in a red cloth and keep them with you at all times. This will get rid of your enemies while also getting rid of your problems. Keep in mind that you must automatically select leaves from your tree. Don’t fall into the trap of plucking leaves from the tree.

Hope you guys, got the clear picture and understood about shami tree dussehra and its ultimate significance. Here or there, just remember to save trees, and let your tree of learning grow!