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Easter 2025: Dive Into Some Amazing Facts About The Day


Easter is considered one of the holy periods in Christianity. The religious festival of Easter is also known as ‘Pascha’ in Greek and Latin. Christians believe that it means the people of Israel escaped from Egypt. The festival of Easter day is the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is also called Rising from the Dead after the burial procedures and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Easter Day is celebrated for the 40-day long fasting of Jesus Christ and his continence and asceticism.

In Christianity, people living across the world believe that the week that comes before Easter Day is a holy week. This week also includes the days of the Easter Triduum, which are Maundy Thursday. The Maundy is a ritual performed by Jesus Christ, where he washed his feet just before the last supper with his apostles (followers of Jesus Christ). Later, in the Easter Day celebration, there is an important thing called Easter Vigil. The Easter Vigil is the actual celebration of Christ Rising from the Dead or Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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The True Easter Meaning

The Word Easter originated from the old German word East. The word East is even more old than it and derived from the Latin word-Dawn. There are certain people who also say that the word Easter is associated with an ancient Goddess named Eostre or Ostara. She belongs from either the German or English countryside place.

She symbolises the rebirth of life in the season of Spring and the rear of the day at dawn. The Dawn that flare-up in the East in the Spring has the ability to last longer than the nights.

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The Easter Story

Easter is celebrated to mark the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion and burial. Crucifixion is an old way of execution of a person in which he is nailed and bound with a cross. Easter Sunday is one of the important festivals of the Christian religion. They celebrate and enjoy it with a lot of enthusiasm and energy.

On Easter Sunday, Christians reside at every corner of the world go to the Church and lit candles during Mass which is an old Christian custom followed to get Holy communion, bread, and wine. In Mass, people also worship Holy Eucharist. As a part of the Easter Sunday celebrations, Christians offer prayers to ask forgiveness for their wrong deeds and sins.

Importance of Easter

Easter is a very important festival of Christianity. The dates for this festival vary every year. Other Christian festival dates are confirmed based on Easter. The first Sunday on or after the Full moon, which comes on or after 31st March, is Easter. The Day of the full moon is Paschal Full Moon. The meaning of Paschal is Exodus or Escape of Israel people from Egypt. After following the 19-year cycle and based on some mathematical calculations, Paschal Full Moon is used to decide the dates of Easter.

There are cases of different dates decided for Easter as per the Churches in the East and the West. Many times due to coincidence, they celebrate this festival on the same day. Easter doesn’t have a fixed date like the festival of Christmas that comes on every 25th December. Generally, Easter falls anytime between 22nd March and 25th April. This Year, Sunday, 20 April 2025, marks Easter Day after the Good Friday on Friday, 18 April 2025

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Meaning of Easter Symbols

Easter is celebrated for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and there are popular symbols that are connected with it. Let’s read about the different Easter symbols and their meaning.

  • Egg: Easter Eggs symbolise the tombstone of Jesus Christ, which has covered the cave entrance where he was buried. The hatching of Eggs is also the symbol of the new life of Jesus Christ after the Crucifixion.
  • Bunny: The beginning of the spring is associated with the symbol of Easter Bunnies.
  • Lilies: This Easter symbol is associated with the purity and newness of life.
  • The Lamb: As per the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ is known as ‘The Lamb of God’.
  • The Cross: It signifies the victory of Jesus Christ over Death.
  • Palm Branches: Palm leaves were waved at Jesus Christ when the people of Jerusalem greeted him on his arrival.
  • Easter Hats: After the Resurrection, Christ rose from the grave, and Hat is the symbol of celebration after Jesus Christ’s rising from death.
  • Easter & Spring Flowers: Flowers like Tulips and Daffodils blossoms during the Spring, which indicates the Dawn of new life.
  • Hot-Cross Buns: It symbolises the Holy Cross on which Jesus Christ was hanged before his Crucifixion.
  • Candles: This symbol says that Jesus Christ is the light of humanity in the world.
  • Pretzels: It is an edible symbol that is special and can be tweaked in the shape of hands in prayer.
  • Baby Animals: The Baby animals who take birth in Spring are the symbol of new life.
  • The Butterfly: Butterflies are the symbol of the life-cycle of Jesus Christ. It signifies the events of his life, from his Arrest to Crucifixion and Resurrection.

Wrapping Up

The festival of Easter is the celebration of hope, positivity, and a new dawn in life. Christian people consider it as one of the holiest festivals. They celebrate Easter Day with utmost devotion and offer prayers for forgiveness for their previous wrong deeds. The festival is also the day of new beginnings in life. People greet each other and say Happy Easter. May this Easter bring all the abundance and prosperity for the entire mankind.

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