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Dattatreya Jayanti 2025: Unveil Important Facts Of This Day

Dattatreya Jayanti 2025: Unveil Important Facts Of This Day

Lord Dattatreya was born from the divine form of Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Lord Dattatreya and this Trimurti are worshipped on the day of Dattatreya Jayanti. In Dattatreya Bhagwan, you can see all three Gods. Datta Jayanti is an important Hindu festival, celebrated on the full moon night of Agrahyayan. Lord Dattatreya is considered one of the 24 incarnations of Lord Vishnu. It is believed that he gained knowledge by observing his surroundings and environment.

The Lord Dattatreya is usually depicted with three heads and six hands. His three heads represent the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar. Whereas in six hands Brahma’s kamandal and rosary, Vishnu’s conch shell and chakra, Shiva’s trident and damaru. Datta Jayanti is celebrated with much fanfare in temples dedicated to Dattatreya all over India. Some of the important temples are located at Gangapur near Gulbarga in Karnataka, Narasimha Wadi in Kolhapur in Maharashtra, Pithapuram in Andhra Pradesh near Kakinada, Audumbar in Sangli and Girnar in Saurashtra. Let us know when is Dattatreya Jayanti this time:

Dattatreya Jayanti 2025: Date and Tithi Timings

  • Dattatreya Jayanti on Saturday, December 4, 2025
  • Purnima Tithi Begins – 08:37 on Dec 04, 2025
  • Purnima Tithi Ends – 04:43 on Dec 05, 2025

Story of Lord Dattatreya

Lord Dattatreya was the son of sage Atri and his wife Anusuya. Anusuya was a virtuous, devoted and very virtuous woman. He prayed for a son with the powers and qualities of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. As a result, Dattatreya was born. He is considered one of the ancient deities of India. Dattatreya is mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharata. The Dattatreya Upanishad, which is part of the Atharvaveda, attests to his taking various forms to help his followers attain enlightenment.

Once in heaven, Goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati and Parvati, the three goddesses were discussing purity and chastity. Then Narad ji reached there and told the three goddesses about Anusuya. Hearing about whom the three goddesses became stubborn with their respective gods to break their chastity. When Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh could not convince him, he disguised as Anusuya went to his ashram to test him when there was only Anusuya in the ashram.

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He had reached there in the form of sages. On seeing them, Mother Anusuya welcomed them and invited them to have food. But the sages said that when you give us food after being naked, then only we will eat. On hearing this, Anusuya looked at her divine vision and recognised him for who he was. After this, it did not take them long to understaLaxmi Yogand that Tridev has come to test them. Then he activated them with the power of mantras by taking water from the kamandal. As soon as the water was poured on the sages, all the three sages became children.

When the sage became a child, his motherhood awakened in him. After that, he pacified their hunger by making them breastfeed. In this way, he also kept the shame of his words and also saved his chastity. When all the children lost their hunger, they slept while playing. When Sage Atri reached there, he narrated the whole story. Together they started feeding the children.

When God did not return, all the three ladies got upset. After that Maharishi Narada brought them to the ashram of Mata Anusuya. Narada Muni urged Mata Anusuya that all the ladies are troubled, please return them to their husbands. Mother Anusuya, pointing to the sleeping children, asked them to take their husbands. But the ladies were unable to do so because she could not recognise her husband as a child. Still, she picked up the children, but he was not her husband. This made the three ladies very embarrassed.

Goddess Saraswati lifted Vishnu ji, Goddess Parvati lifted Brahma ji and Goddess Lakshmi ji lifted Shiva, seeing this, Mata Anusuya said -do you not recognise your husbands. Then the three ladies begged them to return their husbands in the same form. After this, the mother made him in her form. The three gods were pleased with Mata Anusuya and asked her to seek her blessings. Then he asked for the boon of having all the three gods as his sons. Saying Tridev Tathastu, he became infatuated with his goddesses. Thus Dattatreya was born with the blessings of the trinity and Rishi Atri and Anusuya became the parents.

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Dattatreya Jayanti Puja Vidhi

  • Get up in Brahma Muhurta on the day of Dattatreya Jayanti.
  • Take a bath after retiring from routine activities.
  • Bathing in rivers and water bodies on this day is considered holy.
  • If you can, go to the river and take a bath.
  • After taking bath, take water in hand and take a vow to fast.
  • Wear clean clothes.
  • Keeping the idol of Lord Dattatreya in front, worship with flowers, lamps, incense and camphor.
  • Read the holy books of Avadhoot Geeta and Jeevanmukt Geeta.
  • Among them are the discourses of Lord Dattatreya.
    Pray with the mantras ‘Om Dra Dattatreya Svaha’ and ‘Om Mahanathaya Namah’.
  • Do Bhajan Kirtan and distribute Prasad to everyone.
  • Take bath and worship the next day, feed the needy and give dakshina according to your ability.
  • Now break the fast by eating your own food.

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Dattatreya Jayanti 2025 Significance

Lord Dattatreya is believed to be endowed with Trinity’s powers. Lord Dattatreya delivers relief to devotees from life’s major challenges and removes obstacles from the way to prosperity. Devotees are blessed with the trinity’s powers and find success in life.

Lord Dattatreya’s six hands hold Shankha, Chakra, Gada, Trishul, Kamandal, and a bowl. The Shankh represents heavenly sound; the Chakra represents time; Gada is a symbol of pride; Trishul represents threefold energies; Kamandal depicts Lord Dattatreya as the bearer of life on earth; bowl signifies the individual’s dignity, negativity, vanity, and evil thoughts.

Importance of 24 Gurus of Lord Dattatreya

The 24 gurus of Lord Dattatreya are named in Lord Dattatreya’s tales. Lord Dattatreya represents the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. In Hinduism, Lord Dattatreya is a respected Sannyasi (monk) and one of the Yoga lords.

So without taking any further blink, let’s explore about 24 Gurus of Lord Dattatreya.

1st Guru – The Earth

The first guru is Natural Selection. She urges to maintain all those who inflict damage, smash, or threaten her in her soul through compassion. They encourage everyone to owe it they’re all while acknowledging because their activities are perfectly natural to them.

Dattatreya’s Education: The Planet demonstrates Dattatreya the rules of Dharma, the method of Acceptance, the skill of Doing Responsibility, and how to genuinely care for others. One must pledge themselves for the protection of other sentient creatures in the same way that hills and plants do.

2nd Guru – Air/Wind

Throughout by itself, beaches are beautiful and flavourless. And it doesn’t differentiate amongst pleasant and flagrant stuff before it bursts. It apparently takes on the fragrance of its vicinity for a short instant, eventually exposing its sparkling performance.

Dattatreya’s Education: Divine interested people should express a certain essence in the universe of binary oppositions. If it’s joy or sadness, either approach you perceive it’s really the equivalent. And, just like open source provides a calming sensation, one can keep their mind cool, influenced by environmental objects.

3rd Guru – The Sky

Our consciousness is just like the sky in that it is always there. The skies (or space) might be sparsely unseasonably warm or overflowing with airborne particles at moments. It dramatically changes wavelengths at sunrise and sunset, and at night. On the other hand, completely sacrifices its gelatinous state and is never influenced or corrupted by anything. The sky involves numerous phenomena such as the Sun, Planets, and Galaxies, but it is still unaffected by them.

Dattatreya’s Learning: The spirit can never be threatened by the interference of the living universe. The Soul, like the sky, is inescapable, all-pervading, and immortal. The muse is instructed to be stripped of sentiments from within by the inner emptiness of the sky, i.e. space.

4th Guru – The Water

It satisfies the thirst of all living things. Although it serves all living things in this way, it is never self-satisfied. On the other extreme, it searches out the most gracious of positions. Also, water instils in us the value of innocence.

Dattatreya’s Education: The saint should be like water, free from contamination, and his expression should be as free as water, and he should be humble without being arrogant.

5th Guru – The Fire

All beings with latent heat have the element of Fire in them. Fire consumes everything it touches with its sparks and is unaffected by solvents. Despite the fact that it does not have a distinct outline, it displays the texture in which it is embedded.

Dattatreya’s Learning: The guru should be more like fire, embracing whatever is offered to him and using his strength to consume it. In several other phrases, he could use his privilege to transform other people’s sins to ash, regardless of who did it.

6th Guru – The Moon

Outside of a fortnight, the moon fluctuates simultaneously. Either there is a new moon day or a total eclipse day every 15 days. This tendency demonstrates a bunch of responsibilities.

Dattatreya’s Learning: The guru ought to be influenced by the environment. Depilatory creams and vanishing can only be done on the body, not the spirit.

7th Guru – The Sun

The Sun appears in various forms in various artefacts, but there is only one of them. The sun exemplifies the world around it and brings life to the planet. The Sun is responsible for the Earth’s life cycles.

Dattatreya’s Education: The muse, like the sun, enhance his environment with the flow of his wisdom. He should not get addicted to earthly attachments, despite the fact that he is giving life to many.

8th Guru – The Pigeon

Two pigeons briefly shared a shelter alongside their three younger cousins. A seagull researcher flung a trap on the nesting and captured the brothers one day since both birds went out to get food. Both pigeons climbed into the net when they saw this and were trapped. This demonstrates compassion and respect.

Dattatreya’s Learning: A teacher will never seek redemption if he is entangled in earthly relationships. Romantic relationships don’t really contribute to enlightenment.

9th Guru – The Python

A Python doesn’t quite crawl around foraging for shelter. It resides in one region, waiting impatiently for its species to live. If the feeding is pleasant, inadequate, or not, the python is fine with it.

Learning of Dattatreya: A Scholar should not be enticed by material possessions. He can learn to focus in one position for a long time. He has to strive to be confident with what he’s doing in adulthood.

10th Guru – The Honey Bee

A Honey Bee generates honey from a variety of landscapes despite inflicting suffering to themselves. It extracts the requisite amount and transforms the rest into delicious Honey, which it deposits in a bee colony.

Dattatreya’s Learning: A soothsayer can accumulate and refine documentation through literature. He ought to be able to move the substance in a right and appropriate way.

11th Guru – Honey Thief/Gathered

The pollinator extracts the honey, and its bee is complete of syrup because when the bee forager arrives, it takes everything away. He appeases the beehives and collects honey.

Dattatreya’s Learning: When Lord Yama (the Gatherer) appears, again after the soothsayer has accumulated appropriate intelligence and is disseminating it to his fellow human beings, the guru must be expected to sacrifice everything and spend eternity.

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12th Guru – The Bird of Prey

For quite some time, a hummingbird delivered its meals to its shelter. When a larger bird saw this, it flew after it. Despite several attempts to flee, the small bird was allowed to retain the tremendous bird and leave its food.

Dattatreya’s Learning: One may give up worldly possessions in living a happy and holy existence.

13th Guru – The Sea / Ocean

As more rivers move into another ocean through reservoirs, they will not transgress their limits. During the season, though, it does not shrink. It maintains its cool and friendly demeanour while concealing the presence of emeralds and exotic beasts in its abdomen.

Dattatreya’s Learning: The saint should perhaps cultivate a beautiful and peaceful temperament. He ought not to be frustrated by happiness or saddened by sadness. He doesn’t have to justify his superiority or show off his experience to anyone.

14th Guru – The Moth

The explosion activates the Moth, which crashes into something and is destroyed. It really does not begin to question its conduct before leaping.

Dattatreya’s Learning: Again, after being allowed the profound enlightenment and a wonderful excuse to follow the path of regeneration, the living thing does not use it properly. He is drawn to an impeccable reputation and ought to fall into the birth-death cycle.

15th Guru – The Elephant

To capture a man elephant (tusker), a stuffed female elephant is first prepared and placed in front of the tusker. When the male elephant sees this, he believes he can hit the feminine and rushes into the ambush (pit) built in its path, where he is captured.

Dattatreya’s Learning: It is necessary to overcome the sensation of LUST. Otherwise, they will become trapped in its web and will be unable to escape in order to follow the correct direction.

16th Guru – The Deer

Music is something that deers enjoy. The hunters use music to entice them when they are being caught.

Dattatreya’s learning: Motivation and seductive impulses become a hindrance to personal enlightenment.

17th Guru – The Fish

The saliva of a fish is unmanageable. As a consequence, it seeks out a tiny piece of bait and invites death. It never escapes its community and is unable to survive without it (water)

Dattatreya’s Education: The scholar should be able to regulate his tongue both in terms of taste and tone. The other sense organs would be under control if the tongue seems to be under regulation. Often, one should not abandon one’s own self.

18th Guru – The Pingala / Prostitute

Pingala, the Performing Girl, always anticipated an entity that intended to pay her a treat and give her money if she fulfilled his desires. But Emily watched for him all night in secret. She went to bed after knowing she was completely ignoring her spirit and giving her attention to superficial pleasures.

Dattatreya’s Learning: Seldom predict everything substantive from another human. The need to obtain something from others is the source of suffering and dissatisfaction.

19th Guru – The Child

An infant is often upbeat and positive. The three gunas, sattva, rajo, and tamo, have no effect on him. The infant is not enslaved by earthly desires.

Dattatreya’s Learning: The archer’s nature and activities should be as plain as a child’s. He must be blameless and must not abandon the divine joy.

20th Guru – The Unmarried Girl

In a rural community, there before resided a single girl with her parents. Her guardians were out of sight a day, and her Bride, Groom and his family came to see her at the same time. The girl expressed an interest in cooking for everyone. As a consequence, she ran upstairs and began to cook the rice.

Her bangles made quite a racket. So she took off some bangles to silence the noise, only to discover that it was still there. She then completed her work by wearing a single brooch on each wrist.

Dattatreya’s Learning: Even if a group of people come from a different cultural context, just so many people will trigger a clash of ideas. As a result, the sage must learn to lead a life all alone. Every person should walk their own path to salvation.

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21st Guru – The Snake

The snake is solitary and ignores other animals. It shed its old skin on a regular basis in order to develop a new one.

Dattatreya’s Learning: According to Sage, he can live alone through his soul’s cave, He should acknowledge that his next life is determined by his actions of retribution from this birth. He should have no concept of failure and be prepared to leave this life as easily as a snake escapes its skin.

22nd Guru – The Fletcher ( Arrow Maker)

For quite some time, there was still a Cunningham who is very well through his arrows. He never seemed to congratulate the emperor who skipped by while he was constructing the point of an arrow.

Dattatreya’s Education: The mindfulness dimension necessitates a great sense of responsibility and obedience.

23rd Guru – The Spider

Including its face, the spider forms one’s own dwelling (web). It gladly maintains there, functions there, and eventually pulls the rest of the site into it.

Dattatreya’s Learning: God developed the entire galaxy, Human souls are also a part of the almighty, but they are only visible for a short time. As a result, one must remember to belong to the Creator of the universe at the end of the day.

24th Guru – The Caterpillar

A drone catches the caterpillar and brings it to its shelter as bread. The seagull itches the caterpillar to incapacitate it and flees the nest. The caterpillar is so afraid of the bird that it loses consciousness. It can’t actually think of anything else but the bird. When the caterpillar concentrates all of its attention on the bird, it transforms further into a seagull and disappears.

Dattatreya’s Learning: A sentient individual’s subsequent lifespan is determined from its own reflections. So, when contemplating death, one should recognise the Almighty’s lotus feet. Although it aims to introduce it into effect, one should therefore be conscious of Faith. By that same time next year, he will have matured intellectually.

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Wrapping Up

Such an enlightening experience! Don’t you feel the same? So, as we always say, keep on growing and don’t forget to learn in life. Cheers!

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