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Merry Christmas 2025: Lets Dive a Little Deeper

Merry Christmas 2025: Lets Dive a Little Deeper

What is the significance of Christmas 2025? Know about its origin

Every year on Dec 25, the world celebrates Christmas, including India. This year, it falls on a Thursday. People who believe in Christianity are incredibly enthusiastic about this festival. However, people of all faiths have begun to celebrate this festival in recent years. This festival has generated a lot of excitement and enthusiasm amongst children due to its extraordinary publicity. Children believe that Santa Claus will come and grant their wishes on Christmas Eve.

The Importance Of Christmas

Among Christians, a Christmas feast is the Epiphany. On this day, Lord Jesus’ birthday is commemorated. Only foreigners used to celebrate this Christmas event a few decades ago, but it is now quite crucial for Indians. This event is celebrated with great zeal throughout India. This festival has sparked a lot of interest among children in particular. Christmas is a religious feast that lasts for 12 days. It begins on Dec 25 and runs till January 6. Christmas Tide is another name for this 12-day festivity.

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The History Of Christmas

According to Christian tradition, Jesus was born on this day in Bethlehem. He was the one who established Christianity. Mary was the name of Jesus’ mother. Mother Mary had a dream one day in which an angel told her that the Lord Jesus would be born at her home. Mary became pregnant a few days later. During her pregnancy, Mother Mary had to travel to Bethlehem. They couldn’t find a spot to rest for the night until they came upon a place where cattle herders used to live. Mother Mary gave birth to the Lord Jesus that night. Since then, the celebration of Christmas has been observed.

The Origin Of Christmas

The name Christmas is supposed to have originated from the word Christ, according to Christian authorities. In 336 AD, the holy holiday of Christmas was first observed in Rome. After that, the fame of this festival grew, and it was celebrated all over the world. At the same time, its popularity grew steadily, and as a result, people from all over the world celebrated this festival.

How People Celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is observed throughout the world. Every festival is celebrated to foster mutual love and partnerships, and this festival is no exception. Many rituals are planned, particularly on Christmas Day, to instil love and faith in God in young minds.

On this day, everyone exchanges gifts, bouquets, and greeting cards. Aside from that, Christmas melodies known as carols are sung. In addition, many people dress up as Santa Claus and deliver gifts to youngsters. And obviously! The Christmas Tree. People decorate the Christmas tree with lights, ornaments, and tinsels. It is lighted up on the day of Christams along with nuts, cookies, and gifts under its branches.

Wrapping Up

Christmas is the most awaited time of December as it gives an occasion for the whole family to celebrate. In fact, it is the time one can renovate and decorate the house as per the wish. So, celebrate this Christmas with full zest and spend quality time with your friends and family.

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We wish you Merry Christmas!

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