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Raksha Bandhan Gifts 2022: Know what you can Gift your Sister

Raksha Bandhan Gifts 2022: Know what you can Gift your Sister

There is no dearth of festivals in the Indian tradition. Festivals are celebrated here throughout the year. Every religion keeps on distributing love to the people through festivals as per their traditions & customs. Various festivals that give importance to relationships are celebrated here. One of the most important and sacred festivals is Raksha Bandhan. Rakshabandhan is a symbol of sibling love or the love between the brother and sister. Celebrated on the full moon day of Shravan month, this festival holds a lot of significance. This year Rakshabandhan will be celebrated on Aug 11, 2022. Well, what gift are you going to give to your sister this Rakshabandhan? We have some Raksha Bandhan gift ideas for sisters. On Rakshabandhan, we are telling you what to gift your sister according to the zodiac sign:

Rakhi Gifts as per the 12 Zodiac Signs

So, here is what gifts should brothers give to their sisters on Rakshabandhan Day as per the zodiac signs of the sister. Read on to know about the Raksha Bandhan gift for girls:

Aries Rakhi Gift as per Astrology

According to the Vedic zodiac, the number of Aries comes first. Let us tell you that the lord of Aries is Mars. If your sister belongs to the Aries sign, you can give anything red like zodiac pendant to your sister as a gift. In this, you can give red coloured clothes, electronic items or any showpiece. Remember that the item to be gifted should be red.

Taurus gift as per Astrology

Taurus is the second number sign, its ruling planet is Venus. On this Raksha Bandhan, the brother should present a Venus-related gift to his sister if she is of the Taurus sign. Venus is the lord of the Taurus sign, so you can gift perfume or any silk cloth or pearl jewellery to your sister of this zodiac. The reason is that all these things are related to Venus. Gifts related to Venus given to your sister will prove to be good for you.

Rakh Gift for Gemini Sign

According to the zodiac, Gemini is at number three. The lord of Gemini sign is Mercury. It has been mentioned in astrology that Mercury likes the green colour. So, on this Rakshabandhan, you can give green-coloured objects, pen sets or scenery filled with greenery to your sister belonging to the Gemini sign. It will bring happiness to your sister’s life.

Rakhi gift for Cancer Zodiac

Now let’s talk about Cancer, which is the fourth sign of our astrology. The lord of the Cancer zodiac is Moon. Moon is very much attached to the colour white. You can give anything white in colour to your sister on this day. You can also give silver stuff, beads, white sweets, white pendant, etc. Apart from this, any object of white colour, pictures of waterfalls, ice cream, chocolates, and things related to water and cart can also be gifted. This will be of great benefit to your sister, and she will be very happy with your gift.

Raksha Bandhan Gift for Leo Zodiac Sign

Sun is the lord of the Leo zodiac. This is the fifth zodiac sign of the zodiac. If you want to give a gift to your sister on this Rakshabandhan and your sister belongs to Leo, then you can give gold jewellery, precious gems, limited edition watches, or orange colour sweets to your sister. Besides this, you can gift rubies, copper items, any big showpiece, antique items, wooden shoe pieces, and any purpled-colored zodiac pendant item. The people of the Leo zodiac also like the painting of forests and mountains, so you can also consider this.

Best Rakhi Gift for Virgo Zodiac Sign

Virgo is the sixth sign of the astrologer zodiac and is ruled by the planet Mercury. As per Astrology, you can gift green clothes, gold-silver rings, metal idols, or green coloured sweets to your sister of this zodiac. Besides, you can also gift idols made of bronze, green objects, idols or photos of Ganesh Ji, novels or books. If you give anything green to your sister, then it will be very beneficial for her.

Libra Rakhi Gift

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, and its ruling planet is Venus. You can give things related to Venus to your sister if she belongs to the Libra zodiac. You can give a picture of the moon, clothes, a car or anything made of wood. Besides, you can give her bracelets, bangles, beauty products, clothes, jewellery. These gifts will make your sister happy, and there will be a reason for a smile on her face.

Scorpio Raksha Bandhan Gift:

The lord of Scorpio zodiac is Mars, it is the eighth sign of the zodiac. As the ruling planet of this zodiac is Mars, you can give a bouquet, ring, pendant or red-coloured sweets or a different and attractive gift to your sister if she is a Scorpio native. Besides, you can gift such a thing which has a painting of bravery and valour, an idol of coral, an idol of copper or anything made of copper.

Best Rakhi Gifts For Sagittarius:

Sagittarius is the ninth sign in this sequence. The lord planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, so you can gift saffron-coloured sweets, yellow clothes, religious books, gold – yellow ornaments etc. to the sisters of this zodiac. Besides, any royal stuff, book or things of worship can be given. Saffron colour is considered very auspicious for Jupiter, so take special care of this colour while buying a gift.

Rakhi Gift for Capricorn

Now. comes the Capricorn sign. The lord of Capricorn is Shani Dev or Saturn, so you can give dark-coloured clothes like in black or blue or you can give electronic stuff to your sister as a gift. People of this zodiac are governed and influenced by Saturn. If you want to give a gift to your Capricorn sister, then take special care of Saturn. Besides the iron wardrobe, you can also give beautiful slippers, shoes or ornaments to your sister.  

Gift for Aquarius:

The lord of Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac, is also Saturn or Shani Dev, so if your sister’s zodiac sign is Aquarius, then you can plan dinner. Brothers can give expensive bracelets, sapphire rings or any antique things as a gift. Apart from this, shoe slippers, bracelets, and stone items can be gifted. If you give a black coloured object as a gift to your sister, then the negative effect of Saturn on her will be less.

Pisces Rakhi Gift

It is the last and twelfth zodiac sign of the zodiac. Its ruling planet is Jupiter. The light yellow dress can be given to the sisters of this zodiac. Besides, you can give gold items, a computer laptop, a statue of Buddha or any other god, book or aquarium can be given as a gift.


So, you can make the most of your life and relationships if you buy a beautiful gift for your sister this Rakhi as per her zodiac sign. 

Dealing with too much confusion? Talk to astrologers for the guidance. First consultation is FREE.

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