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Valentine Day Vivah Muhurat: What’s In-Store For The Love Life Of Each Zodiac Sign?

Valentine Day Vivah Muhurat: What’s In-Store For The Love Life Of Each Zodiac Sign?

Here come the 14th of February,  a day on which Valentine day is celebrated across the globe. This day is the best in the year to propose, celebrate love, or get hitched. And, if you are planning to binge-watch Netflix the whole day, then make it more lovely by watching it along with your sweet love. Well, the whole week is very important for people perceiving their soulmates, looking for love and planning to tie knots. There is a lot of history associated with Valentine’s day itself. The day is celebrated to commemorate the martyrdom of Saint Valentine. The better story reveals that St. Valentine used to perform secret weddings for couples that were forbidden to marry. Another legend states that he restored sight to the blind daughter of the jailor whom he fell in love with and even wrote a letter very famously signed “Your Valentine” before execution. Well, another story says that the priest was executed for helping Christians escape harsh Roman prisons.

All these stories dated back to AD 200 – 400. Well enough reasons to celebrate love for the whole week. Since then, people across the globe have been celebrating the whole week by exchanging gifts and seeking love. If you are a bachelor, get ready for the hunt as this article may exactly guide you to whom to propose on this Valentine’s day according to your zodiac sign.

To hook up the week in one single explanation (Getting it right), the day itself is recognised as a very significant religious, cultural, and commercial celebration of love and romance across the globe. According to Vedic astrology, the week is really special to find love and get hitched. Henceforth, find the best Valentine’s day wedding dates. Even the stats reveal the number of marriages on this particular day; YES, we are still talking about the St.Valentine Day crosses TWICE THE AVERAGE on any other particular day of the week. So, why not let the astrologers analyse your horoscope or birth chart and reveal the best kind of matches, saving you from the undesired heartbreaks, economic losses, poisonous relationships, and painful rejections.

Get a peek at what comes ahead in your love life by gaining a free janampatri analysis from expert astrologers.

Valentine Day compatibility according to the Zodiac Sign

Let us read the predictions made by Astro experts about your love matches, compatibility, gifts, colour, and a lot more exciting stuff. Your zodiac sign can reveal a lot of hidden treasure about how this week of love and passion may shape up for you. This coming Valentine’s week carries a lot of opportunities for you to find your suitable life partner and get hitched. Find a suitable love and life partner that is compatible according to your zodiac sign.


Fasten your seatbelts as it is going to be a complete roller coaster ride for you this coming valentine’s day. The particular week may carry along a very passionate wave of love, romance, and commitment in your life. You may be able to build very strong relationships this coming Valentine’s week. The good news for all the singles out there is they are going to meet their special ones this love week. You will be compatible with the Zodiac signs Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries. Another hint to prepare you for Valentine’s day is to wear Royal Blue. Now comes one of the most important parts of this day – what to give to your loved ones on the special day when air is filled with love that is the 14th of Feb. Flowers might be the best gifts that can be offered to your loved ones on Valentine’s day. With wedding rings on the way, the luckiest wedding dates for you are the 1st, 7th, 8th 14th and 15th of February.


The Valentine predictions reveal you are going to have a time of your life. Be prepared for extraordinary relationships, romance, and roses. You may be faced with a chance to relive some lost opportunities. Great news for you as you may reap huge breakthroughs like finding true love. Take a plunge and find your compatibility with Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo. Wearing Lavender would favour you a lot. You can also buy gifts featuring the same hue. Chocolates as presents will make your day special and may result in finding a lifelong suitable partner. This Valentine’s week, celebrate with your special one with a lot of Chocolates and the Colour Lavender. The most auspicious Vivah Muhurat and valentine’s week wedding dates of 2023 for you are 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th of February.


The celestial twins may face confusion regarding finding your life partner. You may require to make final decisions about your love relationships. The day may prove very instrumental for you to find your love partner as you may achieve a lot of clarity regarding your romantic relationships. You will find maximum compatibility with Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Still, you need to work on your love relationships or start afresh. Turquoise is the colour for this Valentine’s week for you to wear. Consider giving gifts with Turquoise shade or even decorate your home with a tint of this beautiful shade. Take your love life to the next level and spice it up with exotic as well expensive gifts such as Watches and perfumes. May this 14th of February and the surrounding period of love be special for you. Remember this coming month of Valentine carries many auspicious valentine’s wedding dates for you to get hitched.


It is quite natural that romance may not ride high on your priority list. Prepare to give in your best efforts as in the matters of love relationships you may not get the expected response. Chances are high for single Cancerians who do not experience newness in love relationships. According to the predictions made by astrologers this year, a cute new relationship this Valentine may make your life special. Try making matches with the fellow signs such as Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio with whom you are extremely compatible. Remember violet is the colour for you this coming 14th of Feb and the following week. Gift your special one perfume or deodorant to make things work for you. Try to keep the advice secret and always remember spoilers do hurt. Even room fresheners might work for you if you are in for a genuine effort to form a love relationship.

Also Read: History Of Valentine’s Day: How It All Started?


Very interesting predictions reveal that this Valentine is a complete mixed bag for you. You might face direct issues on the love relationship front. Take it up as a challenge and claim your winnings. It’s time for you to buy some expensive gifts like bathtubs, a suit up in Peach, and seriously lookout for some love. Make sure you consider your compatibility while looking out for partners who may be Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries. You would be happy to know that Valentine week 2023 carries appropriate Vivah Muhurat and valentine’s day wedding dates to tie some knots.


Exciting things might not happen if you are not willing to put in efforts this Valentine’s day 2023. Pay adequate attention to your existing love relationships as the period will be a bit emotional for you. Avoid being scribbly over pity things and try to see the bigger picture. Stay hopeful and love may automatically come into your life. Just stay prepared with creative gifts such as stationery to woo your special one. Remember the colour code for you is white. Your compatibility partners are Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn. This Valentine month of 2023 carries exceptional dates to get hitched. If you are planning to tie knots the time is perfect for you.

Have A Look: 2023 Vivah Muhurat : Best Hindu Marriage Muhurtas to Get Married


This Valentine’s day that’s 14th Feb brings a lot of activity on the romantic front. Great news awaiting for you so be prepared with expensive gifts such as jewellery. This time chances are high of finding your lifelong buddy and even the soulmate you are looking for. The astrologers predict that you share maximum compatibility with fellow Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius. The month of Valentine carries many auspicious wedding muhurats and valentine’s day wedding dates are 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th of February.


Scorpio might be extremely lucky this Valentine February 14 and the week following it. Stars predict that you may find your life long partner. This particular week carries a lot of surprises for you. Stay prepared with gifts such as bottles of wine or exquisite diners. Wear Maroon as it seems to help you attract your love and get your dream love life going. Remember you stand maximum compatibility with fellow Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer. Best wishes for your exciting love life and remember this week has many auspicious vivah muhurat and valentine’s day wedding dates to get hitched.

What’s the fate of your heart in upcoming days? Read free love and relationship horosope 2023.


With Love Stars in the sky, a whole garden of love opportunities lies before you; just what you have to do is break the shackles of old unwanted flings. You are assured to find your lifelong partner or soulmate this coming Valentine week that is the time surrounding the 14th of Feb, 2023. Gifts to offer to your loved ones are Personalised Wall Frame and the colour to wear is Earthy green. You must know that this month of love carries many dates for you to tie knots and get hitched. The Sagittarius are super intellectual personalities hence the most compatible star signs for them are Leo, Aries and Gemini. Find a life partner or plan your marriage on this Valentine 2023 to enjoy a fun filled blissful life. Your love of adventure might create an opportunity to go on a thrilling honeymoon spot. Best of luck!!!

Like your honeymoon, you sure crave a happy married life. Read free marriage horoscope 2023 to know what’s ahead.


Your Valentine’s week 2023 is going to be phenomenal. Just get in the mood and all your love expectations and desires are going to be fulfilled. Capricorns can buy some nice attire and gift it to your special one. Wear black and enjoy your Valentine’s week 2023. Still, in doubt, you can always consult an astrologer to know the exact facts. Stars predict a lot of dates for you to get married and start a blissful life. Dates such as 7th, 8th, 14th, and 15th February are very suitable for you and your soul partner to tie knots. You might find compatibility with Scorpio, Taurus and Virgo. Find an ambitious partner for yourself and ring your wedding bells on this Valentine day of 2023.


Valentine 2023 is going to be special for you. All the water bearers are going to experience immense luck when it comes to love and relationships. Buy gifts for your special ones such as flowers or bouquets. You share maximum compatibility with fellow Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini. Remember Valentine’s week of 2023 carries many important dates to get hitched or to tie the knots. The hue this week to fill your love life is deep red or maroon. And when looking for tying knots don’t miss the Vivah muhurat for you this Valentine week is 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th, and 15th of February.


You might be aggressive towards love and relationships this week of Valentine. Try to stay calm and express your love. Fighting for love may be your spirit this coming Valentine’s month of February. Try to buy some exotic gifts such as a bottle of champagne or bar accessories to celebrate this season of love. It might work wonders for you and your special match. Remember you may share the best compatibility with Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer. The love shade for you this 14th Feb is deep purple. The auspicious dates or vivah muhurat for you to tie knots are the 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th, and 15th of February.

Wrapping Up

We wish that this Valentine’s Day you might get lucky and get to start a new chapter of life with your beloved.

If you want to know what more bumps comes ahead in your love life? Talk to astrologers about the solutions. First consultation is FREE.

Also Read: Discover How to Use Vedic Astrology to Search for Your Soulmate or True Love

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