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Celebrating World Environment Day to Save Our Future


The World is moving towards unparalleled growth and development with the industrial revolution. While on-boarding the train of growth, people forgot about mother nature. In 1974, people began to celebrate World Environment Day every 5th June to spread awareness about nature conservation.

We human beings haven’t realised the value of the environment in our lives. Whatever we have got to eat and drink as food is because of the pure environment. Mankind should be grateful for the air and oxygen provided to breathe. The importance of World Environment Day is yet not understood in its true sense. People celebrate this day by performing environment day activities in groups and individually.

United Nations and World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June. The United Nations has always put hard efforts to propagate climate safety by creating awareness about the importance of environment day. The UN or United Nations promotes World Environment Day through catchy themes and slogans with a primary message of Happy Environment Day. It also provides a great stage to promote sustainable development and climate safety actions.

Due to the United Nations’ valuable actions, millions of people living around the world now know the importance of environment day. There is an interesting fact about this nature safety occasion. World Environment Day is also known as People’s Day. It had gained more popularity with this new name and its direct connection to the safety of the nature and future of the earth.

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The Meaning and History of World Environment Day

Before protecting the environment through celebrating and performing environment day activities, let us know more about its meaning and history.

There are different themes and slogans used to promote environment day activities every year. Initially, World Environment Day was officially inaugurated in the United Nations General Assembly organised in the year 1972. The General Assembly was also organised as the first day of the Stockholm Conference arranged for the Human Environment.

For the first time, when World Environment Day was celebrated on 5th June 1974, the theme chosen was “Only One Earth”. Since 1987, many countries were chosen to host World Environment Day on a rotational basis. The idea behind the rotation of host countries was the worldwide awareness of climate safety and performance of different types of environment day activities.

Veda’s Connect with Environment Safety

According to the Atharvaveda, we human beings are the children of mother earth. Also, in other Vedas, it is mentioned that planting a tree is very important for mankind. Prana Vayu, which is provided by the trees, helps in living a healthy human life. Apart from that, trees also play an important role in maintaining the balance between the earth and the sky.

Astrology and Tree Plantation

Vedic Astrology also suggests that planting a tree gives a lot of benefits. When anyone plants a tree, it will benefit. You can get freedom from ailments, disease. It also helps to get rid of any social, physical or economic problem. Thus, it might be one of the reasons that our ancestors emphasised worshipping trees.

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There is a lesser-known fact about the benefits of tree plantation as a part of environment day activities. Planting trees will not just help to safeguard mother nature, but it will also provide safety from the negative effects of planets. The benefits of planting a tree don’t stop here. It gives you safety from the Grah Dosha or planetary doshas. Even giving a gift of seeds to others for planting a tree improves your life.

Theme and Host For World Environment Day 2025

On June 5, 2025, the world will commemorate World Environment Day 2025. In collaboration with the UN Environment Programme, the Swedish government will host landmark activities for World Environment Day 2025. (UNRP). ‘Only One Earth’ is the theme of World Environment Day 2025. The year 2025 celebrates the 52nd anniversary of the first United Nations Conference at Stockhome in 1972, which resulted in the establishment of UNEP and the annual designation of June 5th as World Environment Day.

What Should You Do To Celebrate World Environment Day?

It’s not like there is a step by step guide to celebrating World Environment Day. You may have your way of celebrating it by performing different environment day activities. To help you with the celebrations, here are a few tips and suggestions that you may follow:

  • A sustainable Environment is an ultimate goal for nature conservation, so start using renewable items from World Environment Day. Avoid plastic made things and spread awareness for the same.
  • Go for a beach cleaning drive or park cleaning drive with your friends and family.
  • Take an oath to recycle things of daily use rather than throwing them away.
  • Tree Plantation Campaign in nearby locations. It will help to have pure air and oxygen around.
  • Take part in environment day activities organised by the government, your school or college and try to be one with nature.

The time has come we change our lifestyle and make efforts to save mother nature. This year, let us come together and get involved in environment day activities. Change is waiting on the other, so let us get set to go with alternative energy and save the environment.

Also, read World Food Day

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