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Houses in Kundli: Your Ultimate Guide


Vedic Astrology is also referred to as Hindu astrology and Indian astrology. It has come to be called Vedic Astrology because it is based on the principles of the Vedas. In this science, planets, moons, suns and stars are studied about one’s horoscope, with a conviction that their actions have an effect on our bodies and environments.

What is Kundli?

In Vedic Astrology, Kundli or a birth chart is a representation of planetary positions at the time of one’s birth. The positions of planets in houses and signs are shown in a birth chart. Now, what do houses mean in astrology? Find it all along with Vedic astrology houses and planets in the next section!

Houses in Astrology

Houses in Vedic Astrology define and divide the specific sectors of a person’s life based on his horoscope, which is calculated using a person’s precise time and location, as well as his date of birth. Different houses are in charge of different aspects of life.

The 12 houses in kundli, like the 12 zodiac signs–Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces–form the foundation for one’s existence. Because each house in the birth chart is divided into 12 equal pieces, they make a 360° angle when combined.

They are not, however, the same as the zodiac wheel. Each of these houses is connected by a distinct sign. Like mentioned earlier, each one symbolises a different aspect of your life. ‘Sthan’, ‘Ghar’ and ‘Bhav’ are other names for these Houses in Kundali. In Kundli, each House has its unique significance. Every House of Kundli can yield roughly 400,000 unique pieces of information, according to experienced astrologers. If you have had questions like “what do the 12 houses of astrology represent?” look below!

How can you understand your Kundali?

The first step in the kundli is to determine the ascendant sign. How can I check my house in Kundli? The planets and houses in one’s kundali are represented by numericals (1-12) and roman numbers, respectively (I-XII). The numbers 1-12 represent Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces respectively, in sequence.

The second step is to make out the planets in the Kundli. The Kundli captures and presents a visual picture of the position of planets and constellations at the time of your birth. As a result, understanding the abbreviated form of planets and their significance is essential while learning to read a kundli.

After that, you must determine if the planet is exalted or debilitated. Exaltation is a situation in astrology in which the influence of a planet posited in a certain sign raises, i.e. both of their inherent harmony syncs, and the conclusion is generally favourable. Debilitation is the state of agitation created for the planet when it is placed with any sign. The planet’s impact lessens here and the consequences can be negative. This knowledge allows the natives to comprehend the planetary signs, their positions and their overall impact on their kundli.

First House: The basics

Name: Tanu Bhava

Ruling planet: Mars

Ruling Sign: Aries

Related body parts: Head, the upper part of the face as well as the body

Important people: Oneself, one’s love partners

Associated activities: All activities that take place in one’s presence, like breathing, digestion etc.

In astrology, the word “Tanu” means “body,” hence it has an impact on one’s uniqueness. This house determines things such as appearance, attractive attributes, physical characteristics, and strengths. The first house can reveal a great deal about a person’s personality.

Second House: The basics

Name: Dhana Bhava

Ruling planet: Venus

Ruling Sign: Taurus

Related body parts: Sense organs, face and mouth

Important people: Family, people one is closest to

Associated activities: All activities that make one feel connected to the moment, like trying to connect with friends and family etc.

In astrology, the word “Dhana” means “wealth”, hence it mostly forecasts riches, coupled with family, education, and speech. The second house also represents the nation’s riches, as well as related issues like economic development and so on.

Third House

Name: Sahaj Bhava

Ruling planet: Mercury

Ruling Sign: Gemini

Related body parts: Arms, collar bone, ears, hands, neck, shoulders, upper chest, breathing canal

Important people: Peers, siblings, co-workers

Associated activities: Games, fun activities, writing, athletics, along with other activities that involve pursuing interests in the initial stages of learning

In astrology, the term “Buddhi” means “intellect,” hence this house regulates a person’s mental attitude and memory. Journeys, brothers, sisters, neighbours, interests, habits, mental intelligence, and communication are some of the other aspects represented by this house.

Fourth House

Name: Bandhu Bhava

Ruling planet: Moon

Ruling Sign: Cancer

Related body parts: Lungs, chest, breast

Important people: Mother and all the other nurturing personalities

Associated activities: Activities that connect to our feelings and mental state or in which we connect to others emotionally like television, therapy, meditation, cooking etc.

In Sanskrit, the term “Bandhu” refers to a “friend.” As a result, a person’s domestic happiness is closely linked to this residence. The 4th house is all about our connection to and link with our primary source of energy. Property, house, land, cattle, real estate, vehicles, and material belongings are all influenced by the 4th house.

Fifth House

Name: Putra Bhava

Ruling planet: Sun

Ruling Sign: Leo

Related body parts: Pancreas, upper and lower back, stomach, spine

Important people: Love partners, Artists, children, students and other people who are adored by us

Associated activities: Activities that involve expressing one’s heart’s desire like creating art, having romance with one’s love partner, teaching etc.

The astrological meaning of the word “Putra” is “son,” hence this house is associated with pleasure and romance. It also covers reproductive health and everything we produce, including our offspring. The 5th house has an impact on how easy or difficult it is to deal with newborns. Even events such as pregnancy, miscarriage, and child interactions are ruled by this house.

Sixth House

Name: Shatru Bhava or Ari Bhava

Ruling planet: Mercury

Ruling Sign: Virgo

Related body parts: Stomach, digestive tract, intestines

Important people: Distant relatives, beings over whom we have authority or control like pets, competitors, employees, etc.

Associated activities: Doing menial jobs, fighting or getting involved in arguments, paying bills

In astrology, the word “Ari” means “enemy,” hence this house is associated with foes and hardships in one’s life. This house aids in the prediction of facts and factors related to illness, such as the kind of diseases we may develop, the length of time it may take to recover from illnesses, which portions of our bodies are more susceptible to illness, the strength of our immune system, and so on.

Seventh House

Name: Patni Bhava

Ruling planet: Venus

Ruling Sign: Libra

Related body parts: Lower pelvic region, kidneys and lower back

Important people: One’s love partners and their other partners

Associated activities: Business deals, interesting conversations, sexual relationships, diplomacy, tolerance and arguments

In astrology, the word “Yuvati” means “woman,” hence this is your spouse’s/partner’s house. It also houses all types of partnerships, including corporate collaborations, as well as the darker aspects of our interactions and the ties we establish.

Eighth House

Name: Nidhan Bhava or Ayu Sthan

Ruling planet: Saturn

Ruling Sign: Scorpio

Related body parts: Private parts, reproductive system, genital area

Important people: People over whom one does not exercise control, people who are treasured by one, people who are feared by one

Associated activities: Hypnotherapy, exorcism, strengthening one’s deep insecurities, counselling

Longevity is the astrological meaning of “Ayu.” It’s also known as the House of Death or Reincarnation. This house is concerned with death, longevity, and unexpected events such as the lottery. This house is also responsible for any unexpected losses or wins.

Ninth House

Name: Pitru Bhava or Dharma Bhava

Ruling planet: Jupiter

Ruling Sign: Sagittarius

Related body parts: reproductive system, thighs, colon area

Important people: Gurus, lawyers, experts, teachers, father

Associated activities: Learning, chanting mantras, teaching, making sacred offerings

In astrology, the word “dharma” means “righteousness or excellent virtue,” hence this house governs one’s religious aptitude, ethics, higher learning and ideals, and spiritual predisposition. It reveals one’s religious beliefs and can be used to forecast whether or not a person believes in a religion, whether or not they would adhere to conservative religious ideals, and so on.

Tenth House

Name: Karma Bhava

Ruling planet: Saturn

Ruling Sign: Capricorn

Related body parts: thighs, knees

Important people: Powerful people who have control over oneself

Associated activities: Assigning work to others, carrying out one’s duties and responsibilities, captaining, enduring discord

In astrology, the word “karma” signifies “activity.” The law of cause and effect is the best way to describe karma. The astrological 10th house is the house of career, and it governs the type of activity or action we engage in. This house can assist foretell a person’s career, status, and reputation.

Eleventh House

Name: Labh Bhava

Ruling planet: Sun

Ruling Sign: Aquarius

Related body parts: Calves, shin, ankles

Important people: Public figures, successful and wealthy figures, popular celebrities

Associated activities: Gathering up wealth, saving the world, having an influence on many people, competing and winning

The 11th house is considered lucky in astrology since “Labha” denotes “gains” in Vedic astrology. It aids in predicting whether or not our dreams and wishes will be realised. It’s a powerful predictor of wealth and income, as well as gains in name, popularity, and money, and it’s also a factor in determining what makes us money.

Twelfth House

Name: House of Rehabilitation

Ruling planet: Neptune

Ruling Sign: Pisces

Related body parts: Feet, left eye, left limb

Important people: People who are important to oneself

Associated activities: Planning, selfless actions

In Vedic astrology, the 1st house represents the beginning of the lifespan, while the 12th house represents the end of the lifetime; consequently, “Vairagya” means “ending.” It’s also known as the Insensible House, Self-Untying House, and Internment House. A poor 12th house might cause endemic isolation from others, such as separation from a partner, parents, friends, or neighbours. In general, it brings order to the intangible aspects of a person’s life, such as intuitions, dreams, secrets, and emotions.