Leo Monthly Horoscope
JanuaryThe impact of Venus indicates that you are likely to get some good opportunities for progress in your career during this month. Some complicated issues may keep bothering you in the beginning but, the difficult picture will not last long and you would see some positive results gradually. If you are in business, Mercury seem beneficial for growth. The beginning of this month will be the time to be go slow and steady while making any financial decisions. Ambitious attempts for short term gains may cause unnecessary burden. Around the middle of this month, you may confront some complex issues at financial front. Despite having a good income flow, the ending phase may demand more attention on financial front. This month may begin on a positive note and it is likely to bring joy and harmony in your personal life. Venus indicates that your love life and relationship will be in good shape. The latter half of this month can be the ideal time to get clarity and understanding of your relation and to resolve some pending issues to strengthen your relationship. Your creativity will be on high in the beginning of this month. However, your wayward approach may cause problems in education as the month advances. Jupiter may favour your study of new things and researches during the latter part of this month. You may get support from your mentors and hence you may make encouraging progress in your education. You are likely to improve your health during this month. North Node indicates low resistance may make you prone to some seasonal health problems. Barring some minor health issues in the beginning, you are likely to maintain normal health during the most of the part of this month.
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