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Taurus Yearly Career and Business Horoscope


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At the start of this year, the pull of Saturn might make you want to shake things up and stop being so comfortable. Mercury could also help you make smart choices. Take a look back at what you’ve done and how you’ve planned, and really understand what you need and want. Sometimes, the people in your life can help you come up with new ideas or even success. You might have enough support from Venus and Mercury to make some progress in February. But Mars could also make you feel restless and impatient at times. Thanks to Saturn and Mercury, chances to do well will pop up around March, but you’ll need to grab them with both hands and keep going. As April rolls around, you might think about starting something more chill, but it’ll be tough to balance your work and personal life. The South Node might mess with your decision-making in May. Some issues in your personal life could stress you out, but Venus might bring you new hope and energy. You might hit some bumps, but you’ll get back on track, focusing on work and business. June is when you test your plans and see how they work out. Saturn wants to fix what’s not working but has a bigger good in mind. Business folks might look for new opportunities and plans to grow their business slowly around July. There could be chances to make more money and grow your business, but trying to land a big deal with a high-value customer might take some time. In August, your work situation might not be great, and you might face some problems because of the North Node. Saturn also suggests that some old work relationships and connections will fade, and you’ll find yourself in a new role or assignment around September. Venus is going to bring a great chance to land a big deal around October. November looks great for your career. Mercury might suggest you take a work trip. If you handle it well, you’ll get a good reaction from your boss and could even get a better spot in the company. Business people might also find success with short-term travel. During December, Saturn might make you want to fix a mistake you made earlier. By the end of the year, Mars could give you the drive and energy you need at work. Business folks might be able to get rid of some problems.

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Taurus is the fixed zodiac sign of the Earth family. Perhaps that translates them to be grounded, stable, and logical. Yaas, they are the stereotypical stubborn but rock-steady and goal-oriented. But of course, there are plenty of other elements in the zodiac world but being an astrological bull has a big say in shaping your personality! Taurus is considered the anchor of the zodiac. Hufflepuffs! Yeah, they are well equipped with the quality of being patient and determined that helps them to excel in everything that they do! No wonder they have several trophies and accolades showcased in their luxurious living room! Careful and low-risk the Bull follows the fable slow and steady wins the race!

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