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Shrapit Dosh: Effects, Remedies, Impacts & Advantages

Shrapit Dosh: Effects, Remedies, Impacts & Advantages

Shrapit Dosh is also known as Shrapit Yoga. The meaning of Shrapit is “Curse”. When somebody has been cursed for wrong deeds and sins done during the previous birth or life. The formation of Shrapit Dosh is caused when Saturn and Rahu are placed in the same house. This dosha has been considered dangerous in astrology as it can disturb one’s health, career, education, or any other thing in life.

One of the big disadvantages of Shrapit dosh is that it can counterpoise the optimistic effects of other yogas that signify the positive and wonderful outcomes in the birth chart. The individual won’t be able to find the ostensible cause for the adversarial incidents happening in life.

Saturn is the ruler of the 10th and 11th house i.e. Capricorn and Aquarius. The 10th house in your birth chart is directly linked to the deeds and the 11th house indicates the materialistic gains, incomes, or revenues. It has been said that analysis of planetary positions in the natal chart also plays a vital role. It is important to locate the position of Saturn in the natal chart. It is very important to evaluate the strength, effectiveness, and character of Saturn before creating a horoscope. Saturn is considered the Karmic planet and dispassionately plays a significant part in favour of the Karmic deeds of an individual.

According to astrologers, bad luck and good luck depends on the previous life karmas. Whatever good or bad you have done you will be rewarded with impartial chastisements and judgments depending on your karma. During Shrapit Dosh, the influence of Saturn varies from person to person and thus the effect might be different from one person to another.

According to Vedic Astrology, if the impact of Shrapit Dosh is not lessened by suitable remedial measures, this dosha can be passed from one generation to the next. During Shrapit yoga, you cannot expect the betterment of the situations which are influenced by this dosh.

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Effects of Shrapit Dosh in Your Horoscope

Shrapit Dosh affects the life of a native both positively and negatively.

Let’s check below optimistic effects of Shrapit yoga in the horoscope:

  • Rahu is the indicator of progress and advancement while Saturn represents hard work and unexceptional willpower. The combination of both the planets conglomerates the positive and negative vibes. People who have this yoga in their natal chart are highly intelligent and smart. They do not believe in obeying the directions and instructions of our society. This combination can be found in such natives who have grown from ground level to a high position.
  • This combination is also found in some religious leaders who have repudiated the rules and regulations of society.
  • The association of Rahu and Saturn makes an individual extremely inventive and advanced. They passionately go through the subject and produce something very creative and extraordinary.

Negative Effects of Shrapit Yoga:

  • Due to the ill effect of Shrapit Dosh, Rahu creates a sense of misconception and delusion among the native. While a person has to do a lot of hard work and might face other issues because of the appearance of Saturn with Rahu in the same house. Due to this effect, either person might not be able to make the correct decision.
  • The 7th house in the horoscope is also known as the house of the marriage. If Rahu or Saturn or both the planets are placed in the 7th house then the native might face marital issues in life. If the effect is severe then there are chances of separation or divorce. Even the individual might become a widow or widower.
  • If both the planets are in the 5th house then the native might go through several problems such as miscarriage, abortion, or other issues during the prenatal period.
  • If the 4th and 2nd house is obstructed due to this combination then there would be arguments and quarrels among the family members. Your relationship with your parents might suffer.
  • If the 10th house has been affected then the native will never be satisfied and content with his/her career during their entire life. The native will always feel a sense of agitation and impatience. Though his or her hard work would never be able to make him or her feel satisfied.

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Remedies For Shrapit Yoga In Kundali

  1. According to Vedic Astrology, karmic remedies are considered best for Saturn and Rahu. With the help of these remedies, the harmful impact of Saturn and Rahu can be reduced.
  2. Cook rice and make rice balls. Feed the rice balls to fish and crow every Saturday. Serving food and water to birds and animals is also beneficial.
  3. Taking care of your elderly parents and the disabled person will also help in lessening the effect of Shrapit Dosh. Give respect to your household and labourers.
  4. Give blankets and other belongings to the poor and needy people.
  5. Reciting Ramacharita Manas is considered one of the most beneficial remedies. Worship Lord Hanuman and recite Hanuman Chalisa every day. This will help in diminishing the ill effect of Shrapit yoga in the natal chart.
  6. Correct your Karma and do good deeds. You might come across various struggles in your life. Never choose the wrong path to fulfil your desires and achievements. This is one of the ideal remedies to get rid of the severe effect of Shrapit Yoga.

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Impacts of Shrapit Dosh

The impact of Shrapit Dosh on the life of an individual depends on the association of Rahu and Saturn in the natal chart. Though Shrapit Dosh becomes more vigorous during Rahu Mahadasha and Saturn and Antardasha. Likewise, the harmful impact of Shrapit yoga can be seen during the Saturn Mahadasha and Rahu Antardasha.
During the planetary motion, the effect of Sade Sati rises if this dosha appears in the natal chart. Concurrently, during the planetary motions, if Rahu and Saturn are located in the same house then the outrageous effects of Shrapit Dosha are most visible.

Moreover, there are two types of Shrapit Dosha – Shani Ketu Shrapit Dosh and Shani Rahu Shrapit Dosh. Follow us to know more about these doshas.

Shani Ketu Shrapit Dosh

Shrapit dosh in the Kundali appears when Graha like Shani and Ketu gets associated in the biological chart. When the presence of both the planets Shani and Ketu are visible to each other then this dosha is formed in the Kundli.

Shrapit Dosh Nivaran Puja is considered the best remedy for eliminating the effect of Shani and Rahu. The presence of this yoga causes pain, poverty, humiliation, sorrow, and misery in life. The individual also faces debts and losses in professional life and business. This dosh also disturbs his mental peace. Negative thoughts, depression, and fear create a disturbance in the life of the native. This might create issues in his or her professional life.

Things You Should Do

  1. Donate Black Sesame for Shani and Black Urad dal or Kulthi for Ketu Graha.
  2. Perform oil Abhishekam to Shani Dev every Saturday. Recitation of Hanuman Chalisa is also beneficial in diminishing the effect of Shrapit Yoga.
  3. For better results you can also recite Shani Mantra:

Om Pram Preem Prom Sah Shanye Namah

Shani Rahu Shrapit Dosh

Shrapit Dosh is considered as the misfortune caused by wrong deeds during the previous lives. The appearance of Rahu and Saturn in the same house in the birth chat gives rise to Shani Rahu Shrapit Dosh. The existence of this dosh in Kundali can stop the person from enjoying all the comfort and amenities of life even with all the richness and wealth the person possesses.

When the placement of both Rahu and Saturn are visible to each other, Shani Rahu Shrapit Dosha is formed. Complete Shrapit dosha is formed when Rahu and Saturn are positioned in the same house.

The combination of both planets creates hazardous circumstances in the life of an individual. Due to Shani and Rahu yoga, the entire life gets ruined without doing anything productive.

Reciting Rahu Mantra is beneficial and reduces the adverse effects of this dosh in the birth chart.

Mantra To Be Chanted: 

Om Bhram Bhreem Bhrom Sah Rahave Namah

Advantages Of Shrapit Dosha Nivaran Puja

  • It helps in diminishing the hindrances from personal and professional life as well.
  • The natives are facing delays, struggles, losses, and horror in their business, career, and personal life.
  • The Puja will bless you with wealth, good health, concord, and success in all aspects of life.
  • This ritual eliminates Shani Rahu Shrapit Dosh and provides endurance and durability in life.
  • This dosh Nivaran Puja will help in achieving your life goals and you will come out as a winner in every field.
  • This puja will also help in attaining peace of mind.

After performing Puja rituals it is necessary to contribute and offer some services to needy people, animals, and birds. According to Hindu Mythology, after the completion of rituals, items are donated to the temple, and poor people and food and water are served to the animals and birds.

Wrapping Up

We learnt that those natives who are suffering from Shrapit dosha may find it difficult to achieve success. This is possibly due to Saturn’s influence on your life. Therefore, those who are dealing with such dosha should organize Shrapit Dosha Nivaran Puja.

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