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Know The Types Of Kundali In Astrology

Know The Types Of Kundali In Astrology

Every human on earth is eager to know about a future life. This may sound selfish, but each one of us wishes to have an idea about what’s going to happen to us in order to remain ready for the challenges. Also, to follow the path that would be the best choice for us. And to accomplish this and fulfil our desire to know the future, we consult the astrologers who prepare our Kundlis.

A Kundli or birth chart is erected with the help of the birth details like day, date, year and time and even place. A native’s Kundli or the natal chart is a snapshot or the blueprint of the sky and the planetary position at the time of birth. Based on the position of the planets and the stars in the Kundali, the native’s general character, strengths and weaknesses, and general life journey can be revealed. But astrology gives you options and a variety of Kundalis. There are different types of kundalini, but the most commonly used types of Kundalis are North Indian Kundali, South Indian Kundali and East Indian Kundali. The idea behind preparing Kundali remains the same. There are nine planets that are considered in all types of Kundalis. And all the Kundali types consider the 12 astrological signs. So, the base remains the same in all the types of Kundlis. Let us discuss in detail these types of Kundli charts and highlight the major differences between them.

North Indian Kundali

The North Indian Kundli Charts are more popular in North India, and these are prepared in the North Indian style of Kundali. The north Indian Kundali has diamond-shaped boxes to mention the houses and the signs. According to the north Indian style Kundali, the houses are assumed to be fixed. The houses don’t change their position. They remain the same throughout, once the Kundli is prepared after the birth of the child. The point to lay stress on is the Ascendant here.

The Ascendant is always the focus of the Kundli. Whenever the Ascendant rises, it is reflected in the first house. The Ascendant or the Lagna is shown in the diamond box that is the topmost in the Kundli. The other signs take their position in the sequence, in the following houses after the Ascendant rises. The astrological signs are read in the anti-clock direction, left to right. So, wherever the Ascendant rises, the next house towards the left would be the second house, and the sign in it would be the one that follows the Ascendant. For example, if the Ascendant is Libra, then it would be in the first house. So, the next would be the Scorpio sign in the second house, and this would continue till all the 12 signs take a position in their respective houses in the North Indian Kundali.

The astrological signs are in the order given below.

And these astrological signs always follow this sequence while taking a position in the Kundli. And as explained in the example, the Ascendant is Libra, followed by Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and last would be Virgo in the 12th house.

The next important element of the north Indian style Kundli is the position of the Moon as it defines the Rashi of the native. If the Moon is posited with the Leo sign, then the Rashi of the native would be Leo. At last, the astrologer identifies the planets that are placed in each house and Rashi.

The inner four square forms the Quadrant or the Kendra. These are houses 1, 4, 7 and 10. The inner lines are in inverted V shape houses. These are known as the Trinal. Houses 3, 7 and 11 forms the Trinal. And the Kendras and Trinal are easily identified in the North Indian Kundli.

According to the north Indian type Kundalini, the first house, which is the Lagna, reflects the basic physique of the native. The second house is about family, job and money. The third house shows siblings and adventures in life. The fourth house is about the mother, house, vehicle and other property concerns. The fifth house reflects education and children. The sixth house informs about enemies and diseases natives may have to suffer with. The seventh house is all about relationships, especially personal relations. The eighth house is about age and longevity. The ninth house shows the fortune or luck factor. The tenth house is for the father, the native’s profession and work. The eleventh house reflects benefits of all kinds, and the twelfth house is about expenses and foreign visits.

The twelve houses never change their position in the north Indian Kundali. But the planets keep travelling from one house to another from time to time. And this affects the native. If a particular house is under the influence of the benefic planet, the related aspect of life may experience a positive impact and get a good result. And if a malefic planet posits it, then it may result in negative results too. It all depends on which planet is placed in which house with what combination of Rashis.

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South Indian Kundali

All the types of Kundalis revolve around the ascendant, the houses and the Rashis. Similarly, the South Indian Kundali also follows the same concept. It also has 12 houses, astrological signs and an Ascendant. The important thing to remember in the south Indian Kundli is that the 12 astrological signs are fixed. They do not change their position by moving from one house to another. In fact, the houses move in this type of Kundali. It means the first part would always be the Aries and the last would always be the Pisces astrological sign.

The ascendants and the planets keep changing their position in the South Indian chart. While reading a South Indian chart, the astrologer has to move clockwise, from left to right. The houses are not assigned to any sign. It is very simple in the south Indian Kundli. One just needs to identify the Ascendant. That would be the first house. The other eleven houses would be aligned in a clockwise direction, in sequence and straight manner. The important point remaining here is the positioning of the [planets in the houses.

The South Indian chart is designed in a symmetrical square shape. The Ascendant is marked with two lines at the upper corner. If the Ascendant is Pisces, then the next would be the Aries followed by the Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and at last Aquarius.

Now to place the planets, it is important to know the degree to which the planets were in the cosmos at the time of birth of the native. Let us assume that the Rahu was 24 degrees at the time of birth. So, Rahu would be placed in the Aries’s house.

Hence, erecting the South Indian type of Kundali is easy as it needs to be made in a simple square shape. One just needs astrological signs and blocks. Then identify the Ascendant which would give the first house of the Kundli. Then place the planets according to the degrees at the time of birth.

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East Indian Kundali

The East Indian Kundali is a combination of the South Indian kundalini and the North Indian Kundali formats. Like in the type south Indian, the astrological signs are fixed in east Indian Kundali. And like the type north Indian kundalini, the east Indian Kundali is read from right to left direction. Houses in the east Indian Kundali chart change according to the position of the Ascendant in Kundali. There are no borders to define the shape of the East Indian Kundli chart.

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Comparision Of North Indian and South Indian Kundali

Though any kundali serves the same purpose, yet there are some basic differences between them. The north Indian kundli is diamond-shaped, whereas the south Indian kundali is square in shape. At the same, we would like to tell you that the east Indian kundali has no border to define the shape of the chart. In the north Indian chart, the houses are fixed, and the first house is the house of the Ascendant. Whereas in the South Indian chart, the astrological signs are fixed. The east Indian chart has the same procedure as that of the North Indian chart. The north Indian chart and east Indian chart are read anti-clockwise, while the south Indian chart is read in the clockwise direction. These are some basic differences between the types of kundalis.

In a Nutshell

Future predictions and knowing the unknown is the core of any kundli. So, whether you choose south Indian kundli, north Indian kundli or the east Indian kundli, the main purpose shall remain the same. You will get to know the path of your life. You will have a slight knowledge of the events that are supposed to happen in your life, and you can prepare well in advance to lessen the loss and increase the profits.