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Different Lord Ganesha Names And Their Significance

Lord Ganesha is one of the most admired Hindu deities. He is the son of Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati. Lord Ganesha is the provider of good fortune and wisdom. And therefore, devotees always remember him before the starting of their works or event. The custom of recalling Lord Ganesha before the beginning of any significant occasion is called Ganesh Vandana.

In India, Ganesh Chaturthi marks the birth anniversary of Lord Ganesha. So, on this day, devotees worship the idol of Ganesha for consecutive ten days. Mostly, it is celebrated in the western part of India, especially in the state of Maharashtra.

Lord Ganesha may help you removing life obstacles and obstructions if you offer prayers by doing Ganesh Puja. By accepting his endowments, one gets the beauty of every single respectable being, all divine creatures. Alright, some of you might be knowing that Lord Ganesha is also known by the different names. But here, we will only discuss about his names but also understand the meaning behind his name. So, here we go.

Different Lord Ganesha Names

Lord Ganesha is a famous Hindu deity who is remembered before the starting of any work. It is said that one should only begin their work after worshipping Lord Ganesha. Below are the different names of Ganesha with its meaning.


Lord Ganesha is also known as Sumukh as he is having a a lovely face. This may come as disclosure to some of you, yet it is a reality dependent on the central meaning of magnificence. Wonderful things are satisfying to the eye and there is something new and remarkable about them each time you take a look at them. The same goes for Ganesha’s face. Each time you take a look at it, there is something else yet satisfying about it. His face is referred to be just about as reasonable as lumber.

Lord Ganesha is the son of Maa Parvati, which itself defines why he acquires a portion of excellent great looks. Additionally, it is accepted that when Lord Shiva executed Lord Ganesha, his spirit left his body alone and converged into the moon. Furthermore, when Lord Shiva resurrected him by supplanting his head with that of an elephant, the spirit got back to his face. Hence, he became well-known as Sumukh.


Ekadanta is the other name of Lord Ganesha. It is because when Goddess Parvati went for a shower, she requested young Ganesha to monitor the passage. Soon, Lord Shiva appeared, and he attempted to go inside. Lord Ganesha restricted him from moving inside, and Lord Shiva got furious with a child. Later, this matter converted into a war of words. Then, Lord Shiva lost his temper, and he assaulted Ganesha. The blow didn’t kill Ganesha, but he lost one of his teeth. Since then, we also know him as Ekadanta.


Gokarna is another name of Lord Ganesha, who is manipulating the human mind. The tremendous ears portrayed in his godlike objects imply big head size. The big-sized ears of the Lord symbolize sharp memory and mental strength to tremendous extents. Likewise, Ganesha has the head of an elephant, who has enormous ears. Henceforth the name, Gokarna.


Another name for Ganesha is Lambodar, which implies he has an enormous belly. Other than its anatomical importance, the name likewise means that the god can consume anything, regardless of positive or negative things. Likewise, he has a consistent capacity to learn. He is said to have taken in every one of the Vedas by simply tuning in to the sound of Lord Shiva’s drum. He also did dance by taking a look at Lord Shiva performing ‘tandav’. Consequently, he had an unquenchable ability to devour information.


Lord Ganesha is very famous as Vikat. Vikat refers to threat, so Lord Ganesha is the one who removes any kind of threat coming in your way. Lord Ganesha has the body of a human and also has an elephant’s head. So his appearance seems to be somewhat scary. Likewise, when gone up against by inconvenience or detours, he changes himself into a scary power.


Lord Ganesha is popularly also known as Vinayaka, which implies an amazing pioneer. Ganesha can liberate your spirit and may help you achieve salvation. Some of you might argue that Lord Vishnu only has the divine power to grant salvation. But, very few of you know that remembering Lord Ganesha may also help you to achieve it. Lord Ganesha may approve your salvation if you recall him with devotion.


As mentioned in Ganesha Purana, Lord Ganesha is known as Dhumraketu. With his capacity to change murky, theoretical dreams of his followers to reality and making them like a banner take off in the sky. Consequently, the name Dhumraketu fits him well. Likewise, with his capacity to burn every one of the barricades up, he was appropriately named Dhumraketu.


Lord Ganesha is known as Bhalchandra as he conveys the Moon or a moon-like image on his head. It is said that Lord Ganesha wears the Moon on his forehead. The relieving vibes radiating from the Moon has an impact on the creatures. So, it is said that it has the capacity to accomplish in an individual’ mind. And therefore, devotees keep Moon on the idol of Lord Ganesha to reduce the negative effects of Moon and to attain mental peace. Hence, He is called Bhalchandra

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Just like his other names, Lord Ganesha is also well-known as Gajanana by their devotees. Gajanana refers to the one who has the head of an elephant, and therefore, we call him Gajanana. An elephant’s tongue is novel as it doesn’t come outside of the mouth. We know all creatures by their physical appearance. Great utilization of tongue lifts a man, and abuse of it prompts his ruin. However, since Ganesha’s tongue doesn’t come out, it can’t be abused. Lord also has an elephant’s trunk, ears and eyes in very big size.


Devotees also know Lord Ganesha as Kapil due to his earthy coloured. We know how earthy-coloured cow gives essential milk items, which are suitable for human physical and emotional wellness. Just like that, Lord Ganesha is the provider of mental strength, and he may bless you with desired prosperity. Moreover, Lord Ganesha may help you get rid of bad karmas. Thus, he is called Kapil.

Wrapping Up

We learnt about the different names of Lord Ganesha and their significance. But moving forward, one must worship the Lord with faith and devotion. This will be beneficial for pleasing Lord Ganesha, and you may attain peace and confidence in your life. Reciting Ganesha Stotram for or 108 times may help you fulfil your wishes. It is also advisable to chant the above-mentioned names of Lord Ganesha while performing Puja. Hope you had a pleasant time reading this. May Lord Ganesha keep blessing you.

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