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The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning, Feelings, Upright & Reversed

The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning, Feelings, Upright & Reversed

The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning

The Hanged Man Tarot card seems to be a solely negative card at first glance. Most of us equate the word “hung” with death. This is not the case for tarot since Death is a separate card.

The Hanged Man Tarot is still alive and well, but he is suspended, unable to take further action. While no one loves being “stuck in a rut,” this Big Arcana card contains some very powerful advice, especially for those who are trying to find out the next step.

  • Element: Earth
  • Astrological Sign: Taurus
  • Planet: Venus
  • Date: 21st April to 20th May
  • The Hanged Man Tarot Yes or No: Maybe
  • The Hanged Man Tarot Upright: Uncertainty, spiritual development, pausing to reflect, Letting go, sacrificing
  • The Hanged Man Tarot Reverse: Stagnation, negative patterns, fear of sacrifice, no solution

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Hanged Man Tarot Upright

The Hanged Man Tarot reminds you that sometimes you have to put something on hold before you can take the next step. Otherwise, the Universe will do everything for you (and it might not always be at the most convenient time!). What got you here won’t get you there, as the saying goes, and that is exactly what is at work in this card.

The Hanged Man Tarot encourages you to let go of old mental models and behavioral patterns that no longer represent you. So, you can see your life from a different viewpoint and accept new possibilities that would have otherwise been lost to you if you hadn’t slowed down.

On another level, you are being called to transfer your perspective and resources, and you may find that removing yourself from your daily life is beneficial, whether it is going for a walk in nature, going on a vacation, or moving to a new country. Change your routine so that you can continue to transfer your energies and flow more freely again.

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Hanged Man Tarot Reversed

The Hanged Man Upright invites you to take a moment to think and see things from a different viewpoint. Reversed, this card can indicate that you are aware that you need to press the pause button, but you are resisting it. Instead, you fill your days with tasks and assignments to keep yourself occupied and distracted from the real problem that requires your attention.

Your spirit and body are urging you to take it easy, but your mind is racing. Stop and take a break before it’s too late. The Universe can only turn up the volume if you ignore it, and you will end up crashing as a result. So, as soon as you hear the message, clear your schedule and make room in your routine to tune in and listen.

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The Hanged Man Feelings

Hanged Man Tarot indicates that your lover/potential lover is unsure about what he or she wants or how they feel about you. They wonder if they really want to be in the relationship. You can feel their fear. You’re wondering where you are with your lover. You are unable to ‘read’ your partner and are unaware of the future of the relationship.

Hey folks, hope you understood the Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning in a very clear way. Overall, the Hanged Man (XII), the twelfth Major Arcana card, shows that you are at a crossroads and must let go of the past in order to move forward. Getting there is something you really like, but it will certainly require some sacrifice.

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