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Judgement Tarot Meaning, Love, Feelings, Upright & Reversed – Guide

Judgement Tarot Meaning, Love, Feelings, Upright & Reversed – Guide

Judgement Tarot Meaning

The Judgement in Tarot is Major Arcana card number twenty. The tarot card appearing in a reading means that it is time to reflect and analyse yourself and your actions. This self-reflection will help you gain a more transparent and deeper understanding of where you are in life and what steps you need to take to move forward in a positive direction.

If you have made some in the past, they will impact where you are now. Furthermore, you can approach the implications with an open mind. You can’t change the past – what’s been done – but going forward is your best option. So without any ado, let’s dig into Judgement in Tarot.

  • Element: Fire
  • Astrological Sign: None
  • Planet: Pluto
  • Date: No Key Dates
  • Judgement Tarot Upright: Rebirth, absolution, reflection, reckoning, inner calling, awakening
  • Judgement Tarot Reversed: Self-doubt, feeling low, missing the call fearlessness

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Judgement Tarot Upright

The Judgement in Tarot urges you to climb to a higher level of consciousness to serve the highest good. You’re having a spiritual awakening and realising that you’re meant for so much more. This is cosmic advancement! You’ve heard the call and are prepared to respond.

Switch to a higher frequency. Let go of your old self and transition into the most potent version of yourself. When the Judgement in Tarot appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates that you are nearing a turning point in your journey. You’ve gone over and analysed your previous encounters, and you’ve evolved from them.

The Judgement in Tarot indicates that you may seek comfort in discussing your difficulties with others in a group. Others who have been through something similar to you will be able to show you the way out of your situation. Allow them to direct and assist you as you grow together.

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Judgement Tarot Reversed

The Judgement Tarot Reversed the decision requires a time of contemplation and self-evaluation. You can gain a deep understanding of the universal themes that run through your life through meditation or quiet reflection, as well as what you can do or alter to prevent these circumstances.

You may have kept them secret or concealed them because you are concerned about how people may consider you. Work on your self-forgiveness, self-acceptance, self-love, and release and liberation to clear these past mistakes and regrets, as well as any related guilt or shame.

The Judgement Tarot Reversed may mean that your inner critic is speaking loudly and clearly. You may have doubts or send yourself negative messages. This is preventing you from reaching your full potential and being your true self.

In conclusion, we would like to say; it’s clear that this card usually appears just before a significant life transformation and stresses the value of self-reflection. Hope you got a clear understanding of Judgement Tarot Meaning through this short and impactful blog. Keep rocking; keep chilling!

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