Love Tarot Card Meaning
“Love is the energy of life”, truly said by Robert Browning. There is nothing powerful more than love. The same goes with The Lovers Tarot Reading, getting them is very impactful, especially for personal relationships. But wait, Love can turn a person too. Be it hell or heaven. It can be all things at the same time. The man and woman in the Lovers Tarot Card signify humanity in its true state of innocence. Sounds amazing, isn’t it?
Element: Air
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Planet: Mercury
Date: 21st May To 20th June
Lovers Tarot Upright: Partnerships, love, harmony, choices
Lovers Tarot Reversed: Disharmony, disbalance, one-sidedness
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Lovers Tarot Upright
As stated by Ray William Johnson, “Be yourself, build meaningful relationships, follow your dreams”. In a similar way, the Lovers Tarot Card depicts conscious relations and meaningful relationships in their purest form. The appearance of this card at the Tarot Reading reveals that you have a wonderful, soul-honoring relationship with a loved one. The best advice would be to combine the dualities. Not understood, right? See, If there is a challenge then you ought to take it as an opportunity. There are positives & negatives. Hence, if you embrace these dualities, you will create harmony from which love flows.
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Lovers Tarot Reversed
Here to read some brighter sides of the Lovers Tarot Card? well, we have some bad news for you. Where the upright Lovers Tarot Card signifies harmony, the Lovers Tarot Reversed stands for breakups, fights, power struggles, and personal fears of commitment. But hey, don’t feel down. We have loads of advice for you. The card reminds you to be responsible, to learn from your mistakes, and to let go of things. Accept who you are and continue to see the value you are offering in this universe. It’s that simple!
After unveiling the Love Tarot Card Meaning, we can easily say that it has dual meanings. It’s a good relationship card, but it may also mean that you’re at a huge crossroads in life and that you should stop making hasty decisions. Wake Up Call! Now, it’s all up to you, whether be a confused duck or a super-duper smart & sexy individual.
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