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Ace of Cups Tarot Meaning, Love, Upright & Reversed – Complete Guide

Ace of Cups Tarot Meaning, Love, Upright & Reversed – Complete Guide

Ace of Cups Meaning

Are you looking for a new start in the romance department? Well, the Ace of Cups Tarot is a good omen that foretells joy and happiness in all aspects of life, including love.

According to the Ace of Cups Meaning, the tarot card deals with feelings, like all Aces. It ushers in a new beginning that leaves the past behind and improves what is new. Sounds impressive, isn’t it? If this card appears in a reading, it shows that you are fated to find emotionally rewarding relationships. Be prepared, a bucket full of good things are on its way to you.

  • Element: Water
  • Astrological Sign: Capricorn
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Date: Spring
  • Ace of Cups Upright: Fulfillment, new beginnings, happiness
  • Ace of Cups Reversed: Bad news, anguish, end of a relationship

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Ace of Cups Upright

Divine love and compassion are flowing through you due to the Ace of Cups Tarot. You are a vessel for the Universe’s intense, divine love, and you can’t help. But let that love flow through you and into the world. You get love, you give love, and you are love.

Love is in the air. Now is the ideal time for you to open your heart and feel the variety of emotions that are visible to you. Will you accept this invitation? Would you say “Yes!” to Spiritual love and compassion and run with that as well?

The Ace of Cups Tarot Tarotreflects emotional fulfillment – but only if you welcome it with an open heart. Consider this a period of sharing rather than taking and taking advantage of any opportunity to support others. Whenever you feel stuck, just do one thing, allow your imagination and talent to unfurl to new heights.

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Ace of Cups Reversed

Yes, welcome to the self-love card in the Tarot deck! In the upright position, the Ace of Cups means universal love. The Ace of Cups Reversed signifies completely opposite. So, before you send love to the universe, give love to yourself, flooding every cell in your body with Eternal happiness and love. And the more you practice this, the more you will be able to live in harmony with life itself.

The Ace of Cups Reversed Love and Relationship reading can indicate that you are hiding your emotions for fear of being hurt. This is how Ace of Cups Love predictions flows too. You may be afraid that allowing your emotions to flow would result in an overwhelming flood that cannot be switched off. It’s cool if you’re not ready to express your feelings – that’s fine!

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A unique ride of Ace of Cups Tarot Feelings comes to an end. But hey, you, it’s time for you to master your mind. To conquer difficulties and win in the end, standing tall – undefeated!

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