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Nine of Cups Meaning, Love, Upright & Reversed

Nine of Cups Meaning, Love, Upright & Reversed

Nine of Cups Tarot Meaning

My desire is your order! The Nine of Cups, the genie card, reflects achieving ambitions, having wishes granted, and satisfying desires. The feelings embodied by this Minor Arcana card are also optimistic. Triumph, pride, joy, and pleasure are expected and achievement and even glory in some views.

The Nine of Cups indicates that you will be good with everything you work on with constructive intent. What would you do if you knew there was no way you could fail? This card encourages you to do so.

  • Element: Water
  • Astrological Sign: Pisces
  • Planet: Neptune
  • Date: 1st to 10th March
  • Nine of Cups Tarot Upright: Joy, prosperity, wishes coming true, fulfilled dreams
  • 9 of Cups Reversed: Nightmares, sadness, failure, shattered dreams, pain

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Nine of Cups Tarot Upright

You know those times when you look around, and your heart is filled with affection and gratitude for what you’ve made in your life? The Nine of Cups is all about personal fulfillment, pleasure, and contentment. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates that you are happy in all facets of your life, including marriages, jobs, lifestyle, well-being, and so on.

This is why the Nine of Cups is also known as the wish card. It is an indication that the worlds have aligned and you have all you desired. You couldn’t be more overjoyed! If you made a wish and are eagerly waiting for it to come true, this card is a good omen that will be fulfilled eventually.

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Nine of Cups Reversed

And if you seem to have everything you might possibly want, it is possible to feel as if something is lacking deep down. Have you prioritized financial gain over spiritual development or personal fulfillment? Well, welcome to Nine of Cups Reversed. You may have lost all contact with what is important to you, choosing the ego and doing what would impress others.

The reverse of the Nine of Cups acts as a warning not to overindulge at the cost of your health and well-being. You may tend to overspend on food, drink, narcotics, partying, or investing. Maintain moderation in all things and emphasize the long-term effects of your decisions, even though they provide immediate pleasure.

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Nine of Cups as Feelings

Do you want to see how your girlfriend or boyfriend, or future partner feels about you? Don’t worry; the Nine of Cups indicates that they feel the way you want them to. Their love for you is so intense that they can do anything for you! If you play your cards correctly, you will get your partner exactly where you want them.

Overall, the Nine of Cups Card reflects the fulfillment of wishes. After a long period of disappointment, this card ensures you that everything you’ve worked for so tirelessly will be realized to the greatest extent possible.

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