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Two of Cups Meaning, Upright & Reversed – Complete Guide

Two of Cups Meaning, Upright & Reversed – Complete Guide

Two of Cups Meaning

Two of Cups Tarot is one of the deck’s most hopeful relationship cards. When this card is drawn in a reading, it reflects unity, togetherness, and working together to create a solid relationship.

Nothing will be able to bring you down, and soon you will be content and motivated. Have you begun a new relationship or found a new friend recently? The Two of Cups Tarot indicates that this relationship will be strong and beneficial to your life.

  • Element: Water
  • Astrological Sign: Cancer
  • Planet: Venus
  • Date: 21st June to 1st July
  • Two of Cups Upright: Relationships, happiness, love
  • Two of Cups Reverse: Strained relations, anguish, arguments

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Two of Cups Reversed

The flow of love between two people is represented by the Two of Cups Tarot, while the Ace of Cups represents the flow of love from the inside. Based on shared beliefs, kindness, and unconditional love, you are forming deep bonds and relationships with this card.

When the Two of Cups Tarot appears in a Tarot reading, it may indicate the beginning of a new relationship, maybe with a lover, mate, or business partner. You both intent on developing a mutually beneficial relationship that will result in a win-win situation. You see eye to eye and value what each other brings to the table.

The Two of Cups Tarot represents a blossoming new union founded on mutual desire in a romantic relationship. There is a physical as well as a spiritual bond that makes you giddy and weak at the knees. You bring out the best of each other and drive each other to achieve new heights.

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Two of Cups Upright

The Two of Cups Reversed is simply about self-love. Two of Cups Love, in every form, begins with self-love. If you unconditionally love yourself, you embrace and appreciate who you are, and you admire and honor your most authentic self. You welcome a happier life because you fundamentally believe you deserve it (and you are correct!).

You will have more satisfying, caring relationships with others if you come from a position of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-respect. All begins with self-love. When the Two of Cups Reversed, it may signify a break-up or a falling out.

You are out of touch with each other and no longer have the same emotional bond that you once did. You may note a lack of confidence, and communicating openly with one another may be difficult.

Communication may be limited or withheld, and the flow of energy between you may be stifled. To change this scenario, open up, share, and provide a safe space for one another to express feelings. Even one conversation will dramatically alter the energy flow.

It’s time for us to conclude this blog where we guide you about Two of Cups Tarot Meaning. Knowing done, time for you to shine; shower happiness all around. See ya around, folks!

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