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Seven of Swords Meaning, Feelings, Upright & Reversed

Seven of Swords Meaning, Feelings, Upright & Reversed

Seven of Swords Meaning

The Seven of Swords Tarot represents cheating, fraud, and dishonesty. You or anyone close to you might be using deceptive techniques to achieve an objective. These acts are intentional, and they are carried out without consideration for how they will affect others.

If you are the one who wants to make a change, the first move is to admit that you are on the wrong track. Then you can formulate a systematic strategy to alter those habits. You won’t be able to push someone else’s hand if it’s someone else. Someone is attempting to pull the wool over your eyes.

  • Element: Air
  • Astrological Sign: Aquarius
  • Planet: Uranus
  • Date: 9th to 18 February
  • Seven of Swords Upright: Manipulation, cheating, theft, deceit, dishonesty
  • Seven of Swords Reversed: Starting fresh, coming clean, taking responsibility

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Seven of Swords Upright

The Seven of Swords Tarot is traditionally associated with stealing, betrayal, deceit, and trickery. You may be trying to hide something and creeping around behind other people’s backs, hoping to go undetected.

If you’re lucky, you may be able to keep your secret hidden. However, if you are unfortunate, people will quickly discover what you have done, causing you guilt and embarrassment. Alternatively, you may be the target of someone else’s betrayal. Others are not being truthful with you, and you might be unaware of their deceit and lies.

You can put your faith in someone who then turns out to have their own agenda, leaving you high and dry. On a more optimistic note, the Seven of Swords Tarot emphasises the importance of being strategic with your actions.

You know you can’t – and shouldn’t – do it all at once. Instead, you must prioritize what is important to you, concentrate your time, and focus on the few things that will get you closer to your goals. It’s the 80-20 rule: 20% of your job will account for 80% of your results, so concentrate on the 20%.

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Seven of Swords Reversed

When you are suffering from ‘imposter syndrome,’ the Seven of Swords in Tarot always appears inverted. You may have doubts about yourself and your skills. For example, if you start a new company, you may wonder, ‘Who am I to do this?’ or ‘Why am I doing this?’

Accept that this is fear speaking. Get out of your mind and believe that you have what you need to succeed in your new venture. If you are having an affair or an extramarital relationship, the Seven of Swords Reversed suggests an increasing unwillingness to keep the charade going.

You or your partner may be growing increasingly dissatisfied with this relationship and would like to be transparent about it. Pardon yourself first, then confide in someone you trust. You’ll undoubtedly feel much lighter.

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Seven of Swords as Feelings

If you’re curious what your partner’s (or future partner’s) thoughts are, the Seven of Swords Tarot indicates that they don’t have romantic intentions. Unfortunately, it is also likely that they are secretly pining for someone else. They could just be using you as a backup plan or something to do.

Hey folks, here we wind up telling you about the Seven of Swords Meaning. Now is the time for you to rock the stage called life. Now is your time to see the world through your eyes, not someone else’s. Cheers!

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