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Eight of Wands Meaning, Love, Upright & Reversed – Complete Guide

Eight of Wands Meaning, Love, Upright & Reversed – Complete Guide

Eight of Wands Meaning

Let’s get this party started! The message of the Eight of Wands Tarot is as follows:

While certain circumstances require a slow and steady pace, the Eight of Wands Tarot is not one of them.

Strong thinking and a determination to drive things forward are on the way. Things you’ve wished for will come true even earlier than you thought.

It’s time to put on your running shoes and get ready for the change in speed! Let’s start exploring, reading Eight of Wands Meaning.

  • Element: Fire
  • Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Date: 23rd December to 2nd December
  • Eight of Wands Upright: Receiving news, quick action, taking care of business, exciting times, gaining momentum
  • Eight of Wands Reversed: Restriction, losing traction, slow progress, bad timing, getting a late start

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Eight of Wands Upright

According to the Eight of Wands Upright, the challenges of the Seven of Wands have now been resolved, and you have the freedom and space to resume your plans. This Eight is a powerful card with a lot of momentum that propels you ahead to meet your goals even quicker than ever.

You can continue to be very busy, but this is one of those ‘good busy’ moments where you are excited about the progress you are making. This card shows that you can ‘strike when the iron is hot.’ It is a very action-oriented card that allows you to react fast in order to take advantage of the best opportunities available.

When the Eight of Wands Tarot is present, there is no time to waste, so decide where your energies can go and get started! The Eight of Wands often describes air transport, a short-term or whirlwind journey, such as a business trip or vacation. You might also love being a member of a tour group that tours ten different countries in many days!

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Eight of Wands Reversed

The Eight of Wands Reversed indicates that you are racing ahead with an idea or strategy, but you need to calm down and ponder your next moves before proceeding. In your rush, you can overlook things and be vulnerable to make errors or bad decisions.

The Eight of Wands Reversed can indicate that you are resisting change and attempting to halt the flow of energy and movement. It would just make things more complicated, so let go and go with the breeze. If you’ve been feeling trapped, try something different (new habits, places, activities) and get the energy going again. Same goes for 8 of wands love reversed.

The Eight of Wands Reversed indicate that you are resisting change and attempting to halt the flow of energy and movement. It would just make things more complicated, so let go of with the breeze. If you’ve been feeling trapped, try something different (new habits, places, activities) and get the energy going again.

Hey pals, hope you understood about Eight of Wands Meaning. Following the Seven of Wands challenging and protective nature, the Eight of Wands represents rapid change and the need to respond. The intense energy of this card brings a sense of urgency to every reading.

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