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Knight of Cups Meaning, Love, Feelings, Upright & Reversed – Guide

Knight of Cups Meaning, Love, Feelings, Upright & Reversed – Guide

Knight of Cups Meaning

Have you ever wondered what the phrase “Knight in Shining Armour” means? It’s the Knight of Cups Tarot. The Knight arrives on his white horse to save the princess who is imprisoned in the castle. He is self-assured, and courageous, and wears his heart on his sleeve.

Knight of Cups Tarot Relationship, he is devoted to his woman and gives her his undivided attention. Are you getting into a new relationship? Knight of Cups Tarot is a sign that the person you’re with is just what you’re looking for!

  • Element: Water
  • Astrological Sign: Pisces
  • Planet: Neptune
  • Date: 9th to 10th March
  • Knight of Cups Upright: Following your heart, invitations, romantic proposals
  • Knight of Cups Reversed: Cheating, deception, heartbreak

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Knight of Cups Upright

The Knight of Cups Tarot is the Tarot decks classic romantic. Knight of Cups Tarot is in touch with his instincts and impulses, which he expertly employs to charm and attract others. Since he understands his thoughts and emotions, Knight of Cups Tarot has compassion and empathy towards others. The Knight is gentle, thoughtful, and responsive to his sensitive side.

Every Knight has a mission, and this Knight of Cups Tarot mission is humanitarianism, romance, altruism, kindness, and beauty. You have a vision of peace and are prepared to make it a reality. You are driven by your heart and want peace for all humans involved.

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Knight of Cups Reversed

When the Knight of Cups Reversed appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates that a creative idea is developing but that you are not yet ready to act on it. You will spend most of your time fantasizing about what is possible or how wonderful it will be when it comes true.

Although being in the dreamy ideas process can be enriching, the strategy will not come to fruition until you take action. The Knight of Cups Reversed may mean that you are sulky, moody, and jealous at times.

You may be dissatisfied because you are not given the ability to dream and develop. If you don’t get your way, you let your feelings get the best of you. Lastly, the Knight of Cups Reversed may represent someone who is exceptionally romantic and detached from reality.

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Knight of Cups Love

If you see the Knight of Cups Love as a feeling, it means that the person you’re reading about is madly in love with you. They want romance. They would enjoy taking you out on dates, purchasing flowers for you, and sending you sweet little text messages. Note, the Knight of Cups Love is very affectionate.

Hey, folks, as we conclude this blog about the Knight of Cups Tarot, Knight of Cups Tarot Meaning, etc. We hope that this card brings hope and an invitation to the ultimate happiness in your life. Cheers!

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