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Knight of Wands Meaning, Love, Feelings, Upright & Reversed

Knight of Wands Meaning, Love, Feelings, Upright & Reversed

Knight of Wands Meaning

What comes to your mind when you think of a Knight from the Middle Ages? Perhaps you envision a knight in shining armor sweeping a damsel off her feet. Maybe you imagine a courageous and bold warrior galloping off into war.

Both of these definitions suit the Knight of Wands Tarot, one of the Tarot’s most daring characters. Also, it’s important to remember that every rose has a thorn. This Knight of Wands Tarot, like all Court Cards, brings both warnings and blessings depending on the circumstances.

  • Element: Fire
  • Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Date: 13th November to 12th December
  • Knight of Wands Upright: Passionate, independent, daring, self-confident, charming
  • Knight of Wands Reversed: Restless, foolhardy, Superficial, cocky, hot-headed

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Knight of Wands Upright

The Page of Wands represents the spark of a new idea, while the Knight of Wands Tarot reflects the practical pursuit of that idea. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, you are filled with energy, passion, motivation, and excitement, which you channel into inspired action.

You have a strong vision for what you want to build, and you are now moving ahead in leaps and bounds to make your dream a reality, fueled by your passion and motivation. This is your chance to go for it! In this light, the Knight of Wands Tarot gives you the idea that you are ready to take on the world!

You are so devoted to your vision and mission that you would go to any extent to make it a reality. When you work for your goals, your faith grows, and you realize your potential is unlimited. You are capable of accomplishing anything!

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Knight of Wands Reversed

When you are actively pursuing a personal dream project or hobby, the Knight of Wands Reversed may appear. You’ve sparked a fire inside yourself, and you’re now doing everything you can to drive this passion project forward.

You might have no plans to make it a huge success – it is just something for you to enjoy and channel your energy into. For example, rather than striving to be a world-renowned Tarot reader, you can learn to read Tarot simply because you are interested in this beautiful, spiritual tool.

The Knight of Wands Reversed may indicate that you have a significant amount of energy but are unsure how to channel it effectively into the world. You may feel creative restlessness, knowing that you are destined for something “major,” but you are unable to act right now.

The Knight of Wands Reversed also means that you are prone to behaving irresponsibly, doing or saying something you will later regret. You want it to be ‘fixed’ right away, but you don’t give yourself enough time to consider what is best for you. Better to be Careful!

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Knight of Wands Love and Feelings

Since the Knight of Wands Love and Feelings Cards is a highly sexualized card, it may suggest that your lover sees you solely as a sexual object rather than a possible marriage partner. Although this is good for others, the card can be interpreted as a warning that the Knight has a lot of physical feelings for you but isn’t looking for something long term.

Hey folks, that was a short but impactful blog guiding you about the Knight of Wands Meaning. Time to conclude, but you better live your life to the fullest & we know you can do it. All the very best!

For Any Questions, you can Talk to Tarot Reader.

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