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Page of Wands Meaning, Love, Feelings, Upright & Reversed – Complete Guide

Page of Wands Meaning, Love, Feelings, Upright & Reversed – Complete Guide

Page of Wands Meaning

With his excitement and sense of adventure, the Page of Wands Tarot is a welcoming sight in most Tarot card readings. With childlike joy, he reflects on the enjoyable aspects of life. All Pages are messengers who offer good news as well as self-acceptance tips.

The Page of Wands Tarot, like Peter Pan, wishes to awaken something within you that will enable you to see yourself as you really are. He also advises following in his footsteps and putting yourself wholeheartedly into the things you are passionate about. The same goes with the Page of Wands Love.

  • Element: Fire
  • Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Date: Spring days
  • Page of Wands Upright: Creative, confidence, fearlessness, good news, child-like cheerfulness
  • Page of Wands Reversed: Slack of seriousness, impatient, loudmouth, easily tricked, bad intentions

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Page of Wands Upright

When you have the Page of Wands Tarot, you are willing to try something. You welcome the chance to embark on a new adventure or project and see where it takes you. You don’t have a definite plan in motion, and you’re not sure where you’re going, so you’re curious about the possibilities.

You have a talent for coming up with fresh, innovative ideas uninhibited by daily life stresses. Nothing will stand in the way of achieving your goals! Although the Page of Wands Tarot presence shows that you are feeling creative restlessness. Take note that the Page is standing still with his staff firmly rooted on the ground – he is not going anywhere just yet.

You must also take that innovative spark and transform it into action so that it can be applied in the physical world. You might grow from working with a wise mentor, someone who has already walked your journey and can now drive you forward.

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Page of Wands Reversed

The Page of Wands Reversed shows that you can sense the stirrings of something new inside you, but you don’t know how to put it into effect. You may have a germ of an idea or a general feeling that something new is on the way, but you have yet to put it into action.

You may not need to act right now – in fact, doing so could be dangerous because this principle is still in its early stages of growth. Simply ‘play’ with the concept and allow it to evolve, develop, and blossom into what it wants to be.

Do not push it; instead, sit in the creative space and allow it to show itself to you. You are often conscious that creativity and knowledge come from inside, rather than turning to others for answers.

Are You Having Trouble Reading the Tarot Card? Here, Explore a Beginner’s Guide to Tarot.

Page of Wands Love and Feelings

The person you are talking about believes you are exciting. When the Page of Wands Love and Feelings appears in a Tarot reading about emotions, it indicates that the individual thinks you are enjoyable to be around.

Suppose you are concerned that your lover/potential lover sees you as drama-filled; the Page of Wands is an excellent card to obtain because it shows that your mate does not see the crazy you yet! They simply think you’re smart.

Hola folks, hope you now have an understanding about the Page of wands tarot card meaning. Overall, the Page of Wands is overflowing with energy and untapped potential. It encourages you to take chances and express your youthful imagination.

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