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Vastu for South Facing House – Vastu on South Facing House – South Facing House

Vastu for South Facing House – Vastu on South Facing House – South Facing House

Vastu for South Facing House

It is believed that each direction has positive and negative impacts on one’s life. It may give the best results, or it may have adverse effects like never before. Yet, of the multitude of directions, North, South, East, West, individuals have accepted the south to be the most inadmissible way to enter a house. In any case, imagine a scenario where there is no choice except to live in a south-bound direction house.

If it happens, and you are left with no choice, then follow the southbound house Vastu. Otherwise, you may have a bad life, and negativity will dominate everywhere. In this way, you should perceive what is coming up. In this article, you will get to know the harmful effects of south-facing houses and remedies for those who have southwest entrance doors.

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Vastu Tips for South Facing House

Vastu shastra is important for establishing peace and harmony in your house. It offers a space for positive energy to stream for what it’s worth. It likewise helps in deterring negative energy from going into the house. If your home is southbound, at that point, you should go through the Vastu Remedies for South Facing House.

South West is one of the main directions according to the methods of Vastu Shastra. The ruling planet of this direction is Rahu. Since Rahu is a provider of karma, account, well-being and solidness, any Vastu Dosha (deformity) in this South West direction of home prompts inconveniences and issues in one – or all – of the previously mentioned parts of life.

Now, you must be wondering which Vastu absconds or Vastu Doshas can form in a South Facing House Vastu So, read along with us to get the answers in this article.

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Vastu for Southwest Entrance

Vastu Shastra for south-bound houses can be challenging in redressing the awful Vastu. It helps in nullifying the adverse consequences of the vast energies that stream around there and hamper the development and make aggravation throughout everyday life.

Firstly, you should ensure that the South Facing House Vastu is developed under the supervision of a Vastu specialist.

According to Vastu for a South Facing House, there ought to be less space in the south or west. It gives additional space for cynicism to move quickly. More prominent space ought to be left in the north or east of the house region and upgrade the development of positive inestimable energy.

  • There should be no slant towards the south. This will prompt disappointment invocation an individual’s life as well.
  • Septic tanks, underground water tanks, streams, or lakes ought to likewise not be in the south. It empties away abundance out of the house.
  • There ought to be higher compound dividers in the south and west. This will help in hindering pessimism from getting inside the premises. Furthermore, the dividers on the North and East are to be low to advance the positive vibes entering the reason.
  • Every one of the significant windows and overhangs ought to be the north or east way. With this, you will clear a path for energy to go into your home.
  • Try not to have cuts. Any decrease may prompt an all-inclusive time of hardship throughout everyday life. It might prompt ailment and neediness as well.
  • Out of the 32 padas, the principal passage of the house ought to be in the promising pada, of Grihaskat as recommended by the south-bound entryway Vastu.
  • South Facing House Vastu passageway additionally recommends having two entryways, one for entry and the other for exit.
  • The kitchen should not be in the south direction. It is considered a critical Vastu dosha and needs quick correction if not favourably placed.
  • There should not be a T-intersection or Veedhi Shoola in a south way. Or else, it will prompt disarray and issues which will appear to be ceaseless.

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Southwest Vastu Dosha

You can have a family room on the South West side of your home, then the visitors entering your home will feel simple, and they may have a longer stay.

Subsequently, if you don’t want your visitors to extend their stay at your house, then you should not build a family room at this spot.

Since you currently know about Vastu abandons that can – and most as often as possible – happen at the Southwest part of a home, we presently need you to concentrate on the issues, inconveniences, and issues these Southwest House Vastu absconds to inhabitants.

Below is the list of Southwest Doshas:

  • Latrine in South West
  • Kitchen in South West
  • Windows South West way
  • Extensions in West and huge opening/windows in West
  • Home passage or primary entryway in Southwest
  • Bore well or underground water tank in Southwest
  • Living room Southwest

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Remedies for South Facing House

As there is no lock without a key, correspondingly, there is no Vastu dosha without a Vastu cure. Enrolled beneath are the southwest entrance Vastu remedies.

  • Introduce Bahubali Hanuman Yantra or Dakshin Mukhi Yantra with Bhaum Yantra over the entryway that is pointing toward the south.
  • The Vastu deformity that ascents because of septic tanks off course can be redressed by introducing Vastu pyramid strips around the tank. At the point when the kitchen is off course, it is fitting to introduce a red jasper pyramid and vastu move bolts to avoid infections.
  • To correct the Vastu Dosha because of slant towards south and missing south zone, introduce red metal helix with lead winding squares.
  • If there is an extension in the south, its adverse consequences can be removed by introducing Vastu copper parcel strips under the roofs.
  • To enhance the energy level in the main room according to Vastu, introduce the Earth gem. This will help in conjugal delight.
  • Aside from all the previously mentioned Vastu cures, there are numerous different choices accessible. A couple of them are Vastu Lead Energy Helix, Vastu Copper Energy Helix, Vastu Pyramids made in Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and Vastu Energy Crystals.

All of these Vastu remedies are easy to follow but, we recommend that you should use them under the guidance of a Vastu expert.

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Major Drawbacks of Southwest Vastu Doshas

  • Monetary Loss: Those who are associated with the partnership business may suffer from sudden and undesirable costs, obstructing of cash. Powerlessness to pay an advance and its repercussions.
  • Health problems: Unexpected accidents – major and minor, generally prompting injury in legs. These mishaps may promptly break, loss of motion, or even removal. Kidney-related issues could be seen.
  • Social Reputation: The relation among a couple gets harsh with the small fights, doubts, and disharmony between them. Spouses may begin to fight with others. The offspring of the family engages in detrimental routines and makes terrible companions. This all prompts censuring the social standing of the family.

Having seen Southwest Vastu Doshas and impacts of these Vastu absconds, it’s time now for you to peruse, comprehend – and even apply, if necessary – the solutions for these imperfections, with the goal that the evil impact of these Vastu doshas is decreased.

Here, one should note that remedies can reduce the impacts of Vastu Dosha and it does not totally dispense with the Doshas itself.

Wrapping Up

The south direction additionally conveys both positive and negative vibes. By following the South Facing House Vastu, you can upgrade and fortify the positive energies and debilitate the negative energies. Eventually, what makes a difference is that the family should live peacefully under one roof and should have a whole strong self. If you successfully use these remedies, you may not have any obstacles regardless of your house’s direction.

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