Colours do not just add to the room’s magnificence, but they also pull in positive and negative energies from the universe. Considering this, it is essential to see how Office Colour, as per Vastu, can upgrade a workplace to a superior level and lead you to achievement.
Each direction is managed and dominated by some planet, God, and a component of nature. Also, Vastu Shastra says that each element has its tone. Along these lines, if one decided to paint some shading that isn’t in a state of harmony with that course, at that point, it might prompt adverse outcomes. It might hamper the expert development of the proprietor just as the workers of the business. It might prompt predictable misfortune and even lawful issues. Consequently, we are here with a concise depiction of office tones, as indicated by Vastu Color for Office.
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As referenced above, there are explicit tones for every course that help welcome energy and empower the region. The Vastu Color for Office are mentioned underneath:
- It is advisable to have white, off-white or silver-white in the north, east, north-east and south-west direction. This helps in maintaining financial stability.
- If one wants to have a green shade in the office, then a light green shade should be painted on the north walls while any other green hue can be painted on walls in the southwest direction.
- Walls in the south should be painted with red or brown colour as Mars rules this direction.
Before deciding upon any colour for the office walls, one should look at the below-given Vastu Tips for Office Color.
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Vastu Color for Office
The best colours for the office, according to Vastu Color for Office, are always the lighter shades. But still, if you like to have variety in the colours of the office walls, you need to adhere to the Vastu Shastra for office room colours.
It is advised by Vastu to have lighter shades if the office rooms are small. Lighter shades make the room seem more significant, and hence, it enhances the movement of positivity in the room.
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Vastu also suggests that if the office has large rooms, one can play with colours and experiments with various shades. But these colours should be as per the Vastu Color for Office.
It is essential to understand the relation between directions and elements like fire, water, air, earth and sky, before choosing the colour. Specific Vastu Colors for each direction are given above.
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The room or place where the employees have their leisure time can be painted light blue as it is the colour that depicts a calm and cool relaxation mode.
Green colour represents rejuvenation or triggering of new ideas. Hence, it should be painted in the office where some start-up company is functioning.
If there are several rooms in the office, then Vastu Colours for office rooms, advise painting the north with shades of green.
Office rooms in the south or west should be painted red or grey.
Yellow and off-white can be used in other rooms in other directions.
Keep the ceiling in a lighter shade than the walls.
Brown, black or dark blue are not considered auspicious colours. So, they should be avoided entirely in the offices.
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Vastu Color for Office for Various Departments
According to Vastu Colour for Office Rooms, every department should be painted as per the Office Vastu Colours.
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The Managing Director’s cabin should be in the south-west, and the best colour for this room is pink or yellow. Pink enhances harmony. Yellow attracts prosperity. Avoid choosing red, brown or green. These colours do not work in favour of the MD of the company.
The marketing department should be in the north-west direction and should be painted with ivory or off-white colours. These colours improve their relationship with customers and expand the market of the company.
The accounts department should be in the north direction as Lord Kuber, God of wealth, rules this direction. Light shades of green are suitable for this department.
The people with the senior designation or management responsibility should be in the room in the south. These people are the ones who decide on essential matters without being emotional. So, their cabins should be painted with dark shades of corals. Light tints are not suitable in such rooms as they may make people lazy and emotional.
The conference room should be painted with light shades like white, cream, or yellow. Such spaces should be in the north.
Toilets are also a part of any office. These should be in the south-east and should be painted yellow.
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Vastu Color for Office FAQs
Which Colour is Best for an office?
Blue: Mind
The colour blue stimulates the brain, promoting greater efficiency. The shades of the blue colour range are ideal for remaining focused in dreary enterprises. Bookkeeping workplaces frequently utilize blue tones to build profitability and keep their representatives centred.
Red: Body
Red inspires a need to keep moving, so red will stimulate their energy levels for physical jobs like construction.
Yellow: Emotion
Yellow invigorates feeling, which makes it an ideal tone for creative ventures. It additionally summons sensations of joy and can light up spirits.
Green: Balance
We may consider green as the colour of money, and in a way, it is. Green is about equilibrium, smoothness, and consolation, so if you work in the monetary business, green functions admirably at your office tone.
Which facing is suitable for the office?
An office ought to be in the North, North-East or North-West confronting direction. North, North-East or North-West are considered to bring favourable luck and energy for business. Additionally, they are the most promising Vastu Shastra headings for office spaces, and it causes workers to feel fresh and exceptionally beneficial. North direction is known to be the course of Kuber (the master of abundance). Subsequently, it benefits you in monetary terms also.
Which Colours give Positive Energy?
Upbeat tones are splendid, warm tones like yellow, orange, pink and red. Pastel shadings like peach, light pink or lilac can likewise have an inspiring impact on your disposition. The more brilliant and lighter the tone, the more glad and hopeful it will cause you to feel.
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Wrapping Up
Regardless of which colour you use for your office, it is important that you have genuine relations with your representatives and customers. But still, there is no harm in knowing the essential Vastu for Office Wall Colour.it is significant that you have sincere relations with your representatives and the customers. Yet, there is no damage to knowing the essential Vastu Tips for Office tones. This won’t help yield positive outcomes; however, it can make your work simple by giving you many techniques to look over. Thus, why not investigate the best tones according to Vastu for Office and make your work environment a prominent spot.
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