Zodiac SignSanskrit or Vedic Name : Kumbha
Key Traits : Humanitarian, Assertive, Original, Inventive, Kind, Witty
Deepest Desire : To Stand Out From The Crowd
Noteworthy Qualities : Visionary, Stable, Determined, Unpredictable, Fearless, Natural Leaders, Innovative, Optimistic
The motto for Life : Live Life To The Fullest!
Aquarius is an interesting sign on the zodiac wheel that is a profound example of tradition and innovation. These intellectuals hold an innate ability to foresee the future. the sign of Aquarius easily channelize information that exists out in the ether and brings it into reality. Philanthropic activities extract their inner yearning to make the world a better place to live in! They constantly strive for activism and social justice to create an idealized version of society and the world.
Sure optimists and the best listeners! Deffo! If you ever need to vent, turn to an Aquarius zodiac sign as they are always all ears for all! Hakuna Matata! Keep it simple and avoid worries or stress- is the basic life formula that keeps these natives mentally focused and easy-going! However, curtailing their freedom may make them run hither and thither like wild horses, translating to an icy or detached vibe! Heads up! not applicable for clingers!
Rebels of the zodiac wheel Aquarians sign despise authority and anything that represents conventionality. The world is their oyster, and they prefer giving it their best shot to improve and help others within it. Ruled more by the head than the heart, Aquarius is always brimming with great revolutionary ideas and visionary plans inspiring people to raise the bar in their everyday lives!
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Dates of Aquarius Zodiac Sign : January 20- Feb 18
The Sun travels through the part of the zodiac sign of Aquarius from January 20 to February 18, which is a typical Aquarius birth date range. The zodiac sign bisects into three Decans as per dates. Each Decan has a 10-day slot that defines the native’s basic traits.
1st Decan (Jan 20- 31) | 2nd Decan (Feb 1- 9) | 3rd Decan (Feb 10- 18) | |
Planet | Uranus | Mercury | Venus |
Traits | Clarity, Focused, Ambitious, Persistent, Imaginative, Vitality, Compassionate | Good interactive skills, Likable, Enthusiastic, Spontaneous | Romantic, Sentimental, Artistic, Calm, Understanding, Positive outlook, Interactive |
Quick Insight Into Aquarius Zodiac Sign
Aquarius Symbol (The Water-Bearer)
The symbol of Aquarius is a Water Bearer. The Water Bearer is a mystical celestial humanitarian who confers water, or life, on land. The human bearer depicts the zodiac sign of Aquarius, and water itself is Life that Aquarius brings to others. The symbol reflects Aquarius’ tendency to be focused on humanity and pour out its lofty visions of a finer and vivid future for the human race. Countinue Read For More.
Aquarius Ruling Planet: Uranus/Saturn
Aquarius Lucky Gemstone
Aquarius Ruling House: Eleventh
Aquarius Ruling Element: Air
Aquarius Quality: Fixed
Aquarius Birthstone: Amethyst
Aquarius Color: Blue
Aquarius Pendant
Aquarius Compatibility
Incompatible Matches : Taurus, Scorpio
Neutral Matches : Cancer, Leo
The combination of Air-Fire is considered to be an ideal one as in the Aries and Sagittarius pair. Aquarius sign qualities like friendliness, intelligence, and originality provide a common breeding ground for them. With zero compatibility between Taurus and Scorpio, Aquarius may face challenges. Scorpio’s unrelenting quest for power and dominance may get harder to cope with. While communication lapses may create rifts with Taurus. Traditionally the Aquarius-Cancer combination is said to be astrologically awkward but minor problems may bring mid-way solutions. Similarly, Leo’s open-heartedness and warmth can be offset by Aquarius’ impersonal tendency. However, compromises can pave smooth sailing!
Do you know about The Age of Aquarius, its meaning and characteristics?
Aquarius Tarot Card : Aquarius Tarot Card : The Star
The Tarot Card of the Star rules the zodiac sign of Aquarius. The Star card is a representation of hope and optimism. It is said to heal, motivate, and imbibe visionary energies that help a person to turn their thoughts into practical or ground reality. Aquarius sign natives are highly focused and often give a helping hand to reach out to their heart’s strong desires. This is bolstered by the Star card that emphasizes- Follow your heart because the Star and thereby the entire universe is supporting you!
Aquarius Lucky Charms
Lucky Colors: | Yellow, Red, Violet, Aquamarine |
Lucky Stone: | Garnet, Turquoise, Moss Agate, Opal, Jasper |
Lucky Numbers: | 3, 9, 2 |
Lucky Metal: | Iron, Lead, Uranium |
Aquarius Planetary Governor
- Domicile: Uranus Individualistic Aquarius zodiac is the perfect domicile for Uranus, the planet of innovation and originality. Aquarius loves to inspire and create changes in the world around them and Uranus is the root of these desires. Thus, the planet encourages progress and enlightenment in natives irrespective of the prevailing situation.
- Exaltation: Mercury An exalted Mercury in Aquarius relates to the exceptional functioning of the planet in this sign. Mercury rules communication and expression, while Aquarius exhibits intellectual nature which provides a perfect fit for natives who are easily able to convey their brilliant ideas and plans. Know More About Mercury Transit
- Detriment: Sun Aquarius is a challenging sign for the Sun and when the planet is a detriment in Aquarius there arises the question of individual identity. As the Sun needs identification and Aquarius entirely relates to group identity, individuals may encounter conflicting situations. Know more about Sun Transit
- Fall: Neptune Neptune stands for dreams, illusions, and receptivity while the Aquarius zodiac sign for converting these dreams into reality. As Neptune is in the fall of Aquarius it means the positivity of the sign and the planet may grow too dim making the person float towards aloofness and extremism.
What is special about the Aquarius sign? Talk to our Expert Astrologers.