What is compatibility? The answer to this is as simple as it is complex! Compatibility is when two people can coexist without any conflicts or complications whatsoever. This can only happen when two personalities merge and find common ground or comprehend each other well enough to not let the relationship go through strain and stress! However, one can also discover how compatible he/she is with another person with the help of zodiac compatibility! It’s like an open diary to know how a person behaves, and the traits and characteristics affiliated with the person with the help of the sun sign!
One is ruled by Saturn, and the other is governed by the Moon! It’s a tricky business when these two signs meet together. The water-bearer is an intellectual sign which needs its own space and freedom to roam about the grassland. On the other hand, Cancer is a sensitive star sign who follows principles and guidelines. They put emphasis on what is right and wrong, and develop their perceptions! So, what can drive them towards a common goal? Is Aquarius compatible with Cancer? Let’s find out!